No bird, fish, crayfish, mussel, amphibian, reptile, mammal, or other form ofwildlife, including wildlife raised or held incaptivity, or their homes, dens, nests, eggs,and larvae in Missouri shall be molested, pursued, taken, hunted, trapped, tagged, marked,enticed, poisoned, killed, transported, stored,served, bought, sold, given away, accepted, possessed, propagated, imported, exported, orliberated to the wild in any manner, number,part, parcel, or quantity, at any time, except asspecifically permitted by these rules and anylaws consistent with Article IV, sections 40–46of the Constitution of Missouri; however,this Code shall not apply to other invertebratesexcept as specifically provided. (Article IV, sections 40–46 of the Constitution of Missouri establishes the MDC)
This is the section of the wildlife code that makes it a permissive code. Unless the code tells you how, when and where you can take or even try to take animals in Missouri, you can't do it - legally. And of course you need the appropriate permit(s) and have to comply with daily and possession limits, labeling and all the other stuff they can hang you with. The wrong agent can and will. For example, I have a friend who had to go to court for having ducks in his freezer that weren't labeled.