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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. When I sit to fish, I use a lawn chair. One of those director chair deals with table on the side to hold beer, bait and terminal tackle.🎯
  2. It's better than them kicking dirt in your face.
  3. Ollie would fit right in.
  4. Wishing her and you the best in what is a hard time for everyone.
  5. Hamilton is not only a great fisherman, he's a great teacher and so much fun to just be around, especially in a boat.
  6. Oneshot, you're a lucky guy to have family that cares enough about you to put on a deal like this for you. Sure sounds like you're having a good time.👍
  7. Yesterday there was a chick that didn't quite get itself hatched and didn't make it. Today she has one that is doing well. Hoping there are more to come.
  8. We took a drive around the area a little earlier. There is a lot of damage from Linden into Ozark. Really big trees down in a lot of yards, most uprooted but a significant number snapped off. I was lucky at my place. Only a few limbs and lost a little gravel from the driveway but nothing like the soon to be new neighbor did.
  9. Good for you oneshot. Have a blast and keep us posted!
  10. 3.81" yesterday. 4.03" for the last seven days. This is the culvert my soon to be new neighbor put in his soon to be repaired driveway. I warned them when they put it in that area saw a lot of water. Should have listened. There are a lot of trees down blocking roads. Way too many for the County to take care of very soon so neighbors are out with chainsaws, bobcats and tractors. Quite a storm here. There are leaves and dirt blown onto all four sides of the house. Never seen anything like that before.
  11. OK. I used to garden pretty darn big. But I've grown tired of it so have given it up in favor of the farmer's market. So I've got some stuff to sell. First up is this Troy Bilt tiller. I completely wore out the one ahead of this one, bought this one new and barely used it. If I remember I bought this one three years ago. It's never been left out in the weather it was stored in the shed lean to/ carport. They're $600 now at Lowes. I'll take what? $400 for it? I just started it and it starts and runs good. If $400 is not fair, make me a reasonable offer and I'll take it under advisement. It has only head ethanol free premium in it, Stabil added in the fall. I've got eleven superduty tomato cages and twenty four 6 foot T posts. These are in the make me an offer category. So is the electric fence charger, a bunch of step in posts for electric fence and part of a roll of that braided plastic electric fence line. PM me if you're interested in any or all of it.
  12. This one is not really all that complicated....
  13. Sold out.🥵 But I'll keep an eye open and next time I see any, just buy them.👍
  14. I have never in my life been that mad at any fish ever. But I'm glad somebody goes out there to keep them on their toes.
  15. I'm sorry but I have this image in my head of oneshot dressed like Porky Pig out hunting, spinning around and a shotgun flying away while Alvin and the chipmunks have a good high pitched laugh.
  16. How many boxes?
  17. If they still have some the next time I'm in there I can pick some up if you would like.
  18. The photos may be self explanatory. If anything works out at all, she's gonna be busy, real busy.
  19. I'm in the it's a bad idea camp.
  20. Ozark Walmart had five boxes of 3" Federal #6 for $19.78 per box yesterday evening.
  21. The way I heard it, after he told her all that stuff you said he said to her, she told him "Fine, how'd you like to not see me for a few days?" He said "Fine by me." and the rest is history.
  22. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Lacking a goose, I'll have to make do with corned beef brisket. Cabbage, carrots and red potatoes will go in later.
  23. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    This thread needs to hear more about the whole corned goose affair. As in from the hunt until the dishes were done. That seriously looks and sounds incredible. And wow, what a plate. Very nice presentation sir.
  24. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

  25. Six Louisiana deer = one good sized German Shepherd.
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