Plus a lot of trees survive wild fires, especially here in the midwest with our deciduous forests. The little stuff not so much, which is why controlled burns work. And on glades, there's not a lot of growth to get what you could ever call a raging forest fire going.
Great Northern beans cooked with a smoked hock and a handful of Burger's ham, an onion, a few baby carrots and some celery. Like the beans and other stuff really done and want it kind of soupy.
The cornbread is good old standby Jiffy with a tablespoon of added honey and about a tablespoon of chopped jalapenos. Bake it in a #5 Wagner cast iron skillet that is hot enough to smoke oil when the batter goes in - makes a nice crisp bottom and sides.
There were 705 kids out of school with Covid today in small town Nevada. And over 60 teachers. To say it's rampant is not an overstatement. Most of our Nevada family members have active Covid right now. All but the ones that are too young have been vaccinated but not boosted.
Here's hoping they all stay out of the hospital, that part of the hokey pokey still is a big deal if you ask me.
Survivors they are. They remember that day, it shows.
I have a leaf from the Linden that survived the Oklahoma City bombing. Trees with a history fascinate me.
I do not like GFI breakers. When they start tripping it's hard to know if the breaker is at fault or if there is a problem somewhere on the circuit and if so, where.
If this were my problem, the GFI breaker would be gone in favor of a regular breaker and GFI outlets where I felt they were needed.
I had lasik 11 years ago and still have better than 20-20 vision at any kind of distance. Use readers for close work. Night vision is as good as when I was 18. Hated glasses and contacts, lasik was one of the best things I ever did.
Anyone interested in learning more about the background of the whole mRNA revolution should read "The Code Breaker". It's about Jennifer Doudna and others who worked with her. Fascinating how the process to develop the information leading to Covid testing and finally vaccines went down. And how the Covid vaccines are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to using mRNA in modern medicine.
I'm a virologist now and I am predicting that Covid is with us to stay. Vaccinations will be much like flu vaccines now with the makeup of the vaccine intended to work best on the variant that seems most likely to be the dominant strain over the time the vaccine is intended to be effective.
One of the guys I went elk hunting with spent a week in a tent in Colorado with a covid positive guy. The covid guy was sick and coughing a lot.
Caught nothing. It's not totally predictable, is it?