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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Hey Wrench - have I ever mentioned that old Forrest is the deluxe model with onboard beverage caddy?
  2. Try a 60 pound amberjack or 100 pound Tuna or a 300 pound shark. I want to have a few beers and watch somebody else reel for a while after any of those. And when it comes to saltwater fish, none of those are really big, just what I've had the joy to deal with.
  3. Idiot does not cover what it takes to shoot a person instead of a turkey's head. GMAFB. Put that SOB in jail from now on.
  4. They have this other totally new thing called a leash that can solve the problem with Dog that feels he needs to protect the place.
  5. They have this totally new thing that you probably have not have heard of there in the backwoods where you and your wife and your son all live, but they call it delivery.
  6. Dave it's so good to see you back down here and reporting again. I don't know about anybody else but I missed you.
  7. I prefer 120 volt saws - circular and saws most. 3/8" drill cordless is fine. 1/2" hammer drill 120 volt ten times out of ten. Porter Cable, Makita, Hitachi and Bosch are brands I've had good experience with and they're still out in the shop. The Hitachi cordless drill has to be 20+, has been dropped off the ladder and the handle repaired with duct tape to get the batteries to stay plugged in and still works great. Had the batteries rebuilt maybe 10 years ago at batteries plus and they're as good as new. Two brands I used to own a lot of when we were working are DeWalt and Milwaukee. But not a fan anymore, seem to have had as much or more trouble with them so I just went other ways.
  8. And man did the wind ever blow! Limbs down everywhere here. And it rained a lot. But it appears I need to replace battery in the rain gauge. It says 0 in last 24 hours. Not the batteries. Hole that allows collected rain to flow into the measuring part was plugged up. Fixed now.
  9. I read somewhere that deer like turnips. 😎 They can have them.
  10. I've been to England 8 times and never been to London. You can go tourist anywhere or you can go slow and local. Tourist is not as good as slow and local. Anywhere on this planet.
  11. ^^ This is what old people do for kicks. 🤓
  12. Why here's old Forrest right now...14.5 HP of Briggs and Stratton Cast Iron Cylinder Sleeve goodness, just itching for some action.
  13. Sorry for your loss. Dave was a good man. I worked with him when he was serving as an Ombudsman with DNR. Total professional.
  14. Pressure treated wood is to keep it from decay and insect damage when it's in contact with the earth. And that's the only thing the treatment does.
  15. I see the damage done. Does not have to be this way.
  16. There's a new "Freddy's" hamburger joint going in Nevada. It's going to require 80 people to run it (sounds high to me but that's what the owners are saying) . Even 3M which pays real money and has a very good benefit program has trouble getting and keeping enough people. Freddy's is going to have a real uphill battle. I don't care what anybody says to the contrary, meth has been very very hard on that town and actually the whole area. I've seen it firsthand and still see it when we go back for a visit. Drive down the street and you can't avoid seeing the effects. Lots of formerly nice places are ready to fall down, yards full of junk and multi-colored cars with plastic taped over broken windows. Very sad to see. The family that we visit there have stories that will curl your hair. And I don't even have any hair.
  17. Dog poop rapture. Interesting theory. Do you have evidence to support the theory? Never mind. We will just give you credit for knowing.
  18. Hey Wrench. Where does all the dog poop go?
  19. Ollie is a lot more patient than I am. That thing would have been traded/sold a long time ago had it been mine. Sorry it didn't have a happy ending, been an interesting saga to follow.
  20. They are a beautiful blue, that's for sure. We see a few around here - always a welcome bit of eye candy.
  21. I was in Nevada this weekend. Yesterday morning we were having breakfast with family. We were sitting on the deck while breakfast was cooking and a bird I'd never seen before landed in the dead top of one of the trees. Obviously a raptor, largish - bigger than a redtail - gray with a black marking around the eyes. Looked it up and it's a Mississippi Kite. Apparently a pair returns to their house and yard every year. They're very territorial and dive bomb Matt sometimes when he's mowing. Big time migrators, they winter in Brazil. There's a very small spot in SW MO that's identified as a summer breeding ground - typically their range is further south and east. Oddly enough, there's another small spot in Central Iowa and another in Ohio that are also identified as summer breeding grounds. Lane has seen them when he was doing controlled burns in Louisiana. They would hunt the smoke when a burn was in progress, taking advantage of insects fleeing from the fire. Sometimes it pays to keep binoculars in the truck, that was a cool sighting and I actually learned a little something.
  22. 187.50
  23. They need to come up with genetically modified flies like the mosquitos they're releasing in the keys.
  24. The only diamond patterns my wife is familiar with are on her fingers.
  25. Things like this are why you're worth $187.50 per hour.
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