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Brook Silverside

Brook Silverside (11/89)



  1. The lake level looks really low, I'm hoping the rain on Tuesday gives us some water. Let us know what you find.
  2. A little late, but floated this today. There were a couple that were easy to get around by walking.or a short portage, another someone has sawed a small hole big enough for a kayak. The hardest one was just above where riverfronts beach is, where they launch. Multiple trees down had to portage quite a ways on the right side.
  3. Nothing at my house north of Springfield but they are all over Stockton lake and Bennett springs
  4. Anyone know if the ramp at highpoint is open to launch, I'm unsure due to low water levels.
  5. Nice. I'm going Friday night after work
  6. Dang. Watch it be flooded out this weekend when I can go. I was really hoping to get into the walleye this year but haven't been able to time it right.
  7. I'd try dark colors and if feeder creeks are clear fish the boundary between clear and muddy water I saw some people catching hog walleye and whites at Orleans prior to big rains. They are in there.
  8. Keep seeing guys using something on spinning rods at night that is big and white, maybe resembles chopped up fish that went through the dam. Looks like they are bottom bouncing it maybe. I tried Google with no luck. Curious thanks
  9. Well this was last summer but anyways what are big walleye doing in shallow water in July, makes no sense to me
  10. Thanks for the update, I'm going this weekend
  11. Highpoint dock was still in on Saturday but you can guess the water color
  12. Good luck, I hope it slows down enough to float for you. Let me know how it goes.
  13. Very possible, it was super clear water above Taylor, you could see the bottom most of the way up. The rain should change that. Looks like the walleye have mostly left now, I didn't see anyone catch one.
  14. Caught some huge females at Orleans today. I bet the rain over the next few days gets the spawn started. So full of eggs they looked like they were going to pop. I tried above Taylor with no luck, couldn't get a bite until I got near Orleans.
  15. Tried a few places today without much luck, Aldrich is kinda muddy water. Orleans nothing much being caught but dinks. Taylor bridge right at dusk I got 2 keeper walleye on a white jig. Water is still fairly clear and fast up there. Anyone else have any luck this weekend?
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