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Everything posted by ColdWaterFshr

  1. Canoe is loaded. Heading south.
  2. Yeah, please let me know. I’m getting ready to load the canoe on the car and drive from St. Louis to Branson here in the next hour.. … if the water is too low and we’re not floating, that would be helpful information. Thank you!
  3. You sure we need all the food? I’ll chip in for the groceries, but getting off the water on a hot day, in the middle of the day, don’t need much more than a quick bite. Hate to see you lug all that stuff, Ness and buy lots of groceries. And what is salmon candy? Maybe that will be enough? Who all is floating? I’m bringing my 15 foot canoe. Can take one with me if they are <200 lbs. Been 35 years since I’ve been to Galena and floated that end of the James. Looking forward to it.
  4. With malice toward none, and piscatorial bliss for all . . . . Abe Lincoln.
  5. Looking forward to meeting many of you.
  6. First time on the Jacks?? That’s heresy! Very special place for me. love the photos. The dusk shot could win an award.
  7. Nevermind, I found it. Horse Creek to Galena, right? Just a day float on Saturday and BBQ after?
  8. What is the put-in and take-out and general plans?
  9. going to try and be there. at least for a night.
  10. Hope others follow suit. Very well written explanation of WHY they are banning it.
  11. Had a physical yesterday. I didn't even bring it up, but Dr. noticed I had a lot of skeeter bites on my legs. He warned that Oak Mites are terrible this year due to the cicada hatches -- they eat cicada eggs. In areas where there are oak trees, they are especially concentrated. He said that no known bug spray works at keeping them off.
  12. Gore-Tex is the only reliable. I've used some cheap water-proof aerosol stuff to re-coat some jackets that were not gore-tex, and also some tent flies. Smells bad and takes a long time to lose its smell, but it does seem to work, at least for a couple seasons.
  13. Steve Winwood opened?? John Barleycorn must die, THAT Steve Winwood? Dangit, would've loved to have seen that double billing.
  14. Missed seeing this post, Ness. Been working on my deck all weekend. Glad you made it down to Gioias on the Hill. I put on 5 lbs just thinking about that sandwich. How were the Doobies?
  15. And as I respect that viewpoint 100%, but I'm not sure humans are set completely apart. I think we still are adapting to be better versions of what we used to be. More humane, but still from Apes. Humans didn't just arrive alone on this giant blue marble, separate from all the other critters, did they (we)? No need to answer my question. Ive heard it a thousand times in catholic mass. "let us proclaim the mysteries of faith"
  16. I agree with what you guys are saying. Where I struggle is in "accepting" viewpoints that are just plain wrong, or even just accepting it as a "quaint" little difference of opinion. Racism, for example, is a big non-starter for me. I'm not going to share a campfire and sing kumbyyah with you. I don't care if you're my next door neighbor, and we are in alignment on just about everything else. There are other viewpoints that I feel almost as strongly about as racism, and I'll not list those all here, but okay, in broad terms, . . . rejection of science, alternative facts, conspiracy theories. . . . . I am not open-minded to considering those perspectives whatsoever. If you're okay with that, then I'll participate in a group hug. 😂
  17. My name is Smalliebigs, Sucker Mc's, shall call me sire The illegals come fishin' And gets up my fire. They bring minnow buckets and seine nets for trappin' it git me so mad I have to start rappin'
  18. As a self-serving SOB, I commend her. Far more than I would do or ever have done. But I get lost in the explanation that this is the "lord's work". Can't people just do something nice for another human being and not have to say they're doing it for someone else, especially when this someone else is omnipotent? Rationalization #37 of why I'm a failed christian.
  19. I could be in for it. Been many years since I floated the James. Finley creek I have more recent experience with
  20. Mitch and company! Fear everything! As you know, we're being overrun by illegal furbee trans queer criminal pedo-chi-com muslim eco-terrorists. And Hilary working overtime in tandem with Hunter from that basement of the pizza parlor. I hope its air conditioned down there. If he could only get his laptop back, . . . .the dorks might have a chance again.🤣🤣
  21. I don’t think Mary has been tricky for a number of years. Low water even. Pretty straight chute. The big boulders are still there, but I don’t think much has changed
  22. Careful with that axe, Eugene.
  23. I was at the Alpine Shop last weekend and saw the new paddlers guide book in the book section. Very slick and has full color photos which is a nice touch. I think it cost all of $9. I'm not sure you could even go to Kinko's and make color copies that cheap.
  24. I learned a new pattern from a buddy who is a better tier than me. Its a triple articulated, double if I'm lazy. It usesthe Galloups vertical eye streamer hook, 7052 in size 1 or 2. Uses a bunch of packed in ice dubbing around a barbell for the head. Palmered marabou plumes over the TOP of stiff chenille around the shanks. And I think this is the key to keep the marabou plumes fluffed out when wet . . . the chenille fibers act to prop it up. Has great action in the water.
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