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Everything posted by Bushbeater

  1. I guess I'm part of the masses that can't deal with the cold, however the ice just melted off here Tuesday, and yesterday was my first time out since about Christmas. 5 dink bass and lost a goodun cause I hadn't set the drag on a new reel.
  2. Hopefully in about 6 weeks when everyone is out catching fish this whole discussion will be forgotten and the forum will be loaded with fresh fish pics. I certainly hope to do my part.
  3. Wily has it right
  4. It sound as if these are becoming an issue in Europe.https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/05/s...T.nav=top-news https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marmorkrebs I hope they are good eats and nutritious fish food.
  5. It seemed when the snow was driven on it turned straight to ice. I drove the car to the grocery just as the snow got started, shopped about a half hour and like to never got back home. Traffic on 54 moving 5 - 10 mph and cars and semis stuck on every hill. When I got on the side road another accident blocking the road in to our area, I ended up having to park and walk in the last mile carrying our Super Bowl food and refreshments. It must on caught the DOT by complete surprise as there were zero preparations made.
  6. I got the old reel working. Only had to replace a C clip and switch out the handle. Looks like heck, but seems to work fine. Says something about the durability of Abu reels. It was probably underwater quite some time, as it was about filled with sand and mud. The reel on the right is how it should look.
  7. I like the FLW Circuit Breaker as well as the Scott Martin shows, both on U Tube.
  8. I'm surprised Wrench hasn't mentioned that here on LOZ the fishermen seem to be the responsible boaters. The bigger issue for us is staying out of the way to be able to fish.
  9. I thought everyone knew they can move in the space time continuum. Here today, gone tomorrow.
  10. We used to make an annual pilgrimage to Tecumseh late March or early April. Whites and Walleye were the target and some seasons it was terrific. If you get a chance head up lake.
  11. Mizzou's best game in weeks, maybe the season is not a lost cause.
  12. http://www.concertvault.com/ I stumbled across this site last night, haven't tried any shows yet but it appears interesting. Concerts going back to the 60s with some great artists and venues. How bout Cream from 1968 at the Winterland or Neil Young & Crazy Horse 1970 at Fillmore East. The site says streaming is free.
  13. I love the old XLT reels. I have about 6 I still use regularly. A good clean one will outcast my new Diawa Tatula.
  14. In my humble opinion between Larry Gale and Linn Creek is some of the best water on the lake. But if you want to make the run it's no big deal.
  15. https://www.google.com/maps/@37.9788729,-92.7820906,14z?hl=en The upper reaches of the Niangua may interest you. Very little thru traffic past Ha Ha Tonka although the area is very shallow when at winter pool.
  16. The Golden Globe awards last week made me think of John Hartford.
  17. I'm thinking June so we can decimate the Spotted Bass population, although two gatherings is also possible.
  18. Theodosia is a great early season spot. Crappie, Whites and Bass should all be good.
  19. The mouth of Haha Tonka this morning at -8 degrees.
  20. Everybody just chill and e mail your state rep. It sure can't hurt to put a bug in their ear.
  21. https://www.google.com/maps/@38.3255623,-90.9256823,1224m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en I was thinking of this place. Used to be OK, don't know what it's like now. And there's golf right across the river.
  22. I'll try to make it. It's been years since I've been on the Meramec and I want to see if conditions are better or worse. My guess is I'll be disappointed but hopefully not. Is that campground still there by Hog Wallys to setup and have a feast?
  23. I have plenty of respect for a good ref. or umpire, but it seems they are few and far between. I was very disappointed in the foul calls in both the last two Missouri losses. Tilmon seems to never get a break.
  24. I have a power drive that was on a boat I bought, the remote is ok and the anchor feature is helpful but the stow and deploy is a pain. I've not seen a transom mount though. The auto pilot will track a straight line for you, or it will record a path for later use. The link (optional) hooks to a depth finder and will let you follow a certain depth or head for a way point.
  25. I've not seen a boat in HA HA Tonka in a week and that was just one and he had to break ice to get there. Here's a pic from this morning.
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