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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Well he lived … So NO
  2. Where do these people come from? Does this guy work and is he allowed to be in the building with his little outfit? Seriously should just stop these folks from identifying as something different. I know that I am an insensitive bast$#d but this is really just stupid.
  3. Besides the fluke I would always love to throw topwater in the summer. Lots of creek fish caught on the Excaliber spittin image. I was hoping to catch multiple species back in 2013 all with the same lure. I did catch largemouth (too dark for photo), smallmouth, redeye (now Chattahoochee redeye bass), and shoal bass that summer before I lost that lure .
  4. I prefer the Fluke in baby bass for smallmouth and LMB. I felt that I got better hook sets than with the super fluke. On a good day in my prime I may wade 3 or 4 river miles. Used to fish with my wife and the oldest kids when they were little. Once they got bored with fishing and began throwing rocks or splashing around, I could always go upstream to the next hole and catch a few more . Did have to teach my youngest to fish the fluke. Passing on the family tradition. She doesn't remember the smallmouth. Had to reteach her and she caught this largemouth on the fluke in Kansas this summer.
  5. Congrats you guys! You should always remember your first deer. So glad that you guys got it done together. I missed being with my daughter when she tagged her first last year. I hope to be there when she shoots her first buck. Can't wait to see a lot more deer photos from you two!
  6. I can vouch for quite a few, unexpected human encounters I have had while wading as well .
  7. Johnsfolly


    I'm German, that is about as excited as we get
  8. My great grandfather would have calves head for Easter. At 5 or 6 yrs old not what you wanted to see when you went in the to the kitchen .
  9. Then it really looks like it has mange. Should have a full coat of fur right now.
  10. Johnsfolly


    I have only caught one above 18" - this 18.4" fish came while ai was fishing with @Ham. Still contend that I was smiling . Before that were a bunch of 17 to 17.75" fish like this guy from a small MO river.
  11. Good Luck guys! I may not fish the tourney but I do follow the results .
  12. I figured that folks aren't going to be scanning unexplored caves or finding Mayan burial mounds in the jungle with their phones too often, which is where I have seen most LIDAR work
  13. Eaten a fair amount of squirrel and early like cooking with them. Maybe not as mush as @BilletHead. We have about 7 to 8 regulars out back and have seen upto a dozen at one time. Don't want to use the 22 on them for fear of disturbing the deer.. Have had a barbecued coon once.. it was fine.. I like rabbit much better.. Haven't had opossum. I just dislike these guys. Trapped quite a few around our chickens in MO. They are pretty nasty. I don't really like liver and am not that adventurous for most offal like brains, kidneys, etc. Stomach is fine. We eat sous which is an Amish terrine dish with pork pieces in a vinegar gelatin. Pretty sure that tongue, cheek, feet meat are in the mix. Live braised meats. Have had many more shanks and short ribs than oxtail. Love sushi.
  14. Sounds pretty cool but why would that be needed for 99.9% of the folks that would buy that phone?
  15. When did you take this photo? Looks a bit mangey.
  16. Johnsfolly


    Tell him congrats on a nice creek smallie! Should have fun with that kayak!
  17. I would say that I prefer wading. Especially a couple of clear water creeks/rivers back in MO. Lots of memories of casts that led to big fish or those that just thought that they were big fish.
  18. Tastes great even without the squirrel🤣! "Save me the neck Clark!"
  19. Nice looking fish @FishnDave!
  20. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Looks great and sounds tasty!
  21. Hey Mitch F! Who's on First? Actually one of my other favorite skits. Puts common core to shame.
  22. You sure that it wasn't a milk dud🤣
  23. The HOA Karens!!!
  24. An old one for all you Bob Uecker fans or duck hunters
  25. That's a big boy for sure. Congrats!
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