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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Johnsfolly


    Congrats on playing a hunch on an old spot and scoring on a mess of nice crappie!
  2. I think that it was ZZTop that had a lyric "I got paid today and now have a pocket full of change."
  3. Thought of @snagged in outlet 3 when I saw this.
  4. We will keep you and your family in our thoughts and hope that your son and BIL are able to fight and pull through.
  5. Just might be. Car doors and screen doors have taken a few tips in my day as well . I can repair tips easy enough.
  6. I actually did the "bend" test on an ugly stick back in the 80's and broke the rod. I immediately put the rod down and left the establishment .
  7. It could have easily been two 🙄 including my new Penn surf rod.
  8. Though I think that there was a meeting where some iron was exchanged between folks on this thread, I don't think that any of these browns met a hot Lodge cast iron skillet .
  9. Must be in Michigan!
  10. They are pretty popular in PA (called palominos) and here in MD (called golden) where they get released pretty regularly. I have seen them and fished for them, but didn't catch my first one until I fished Moon Lake in Fort Riley KS.
  11. Great fish! Keep pushing those lunker totals buddy!
  12. I might have preferred to be deer hunting with the crossbow, but MD has closed the Sunday hunting for deer this weekend and pretty much throughout the rest of the archery season . While folks were either trout fishing the catch and release in the trout parks, slamming urban trout, or hunting deer in Missouri this weekend, we fished the saltwater. I have been seeing reports that tautog or blackfish were being caught in the Indian River inlet in DE. We have been on a quest this year to try and get Livie to catch a tautog to add to her lifelist. Livie does not have a DE fishing license so we headed down early to the 4th st pier in Ocean City to try again. I had caught one tog there back in May and we have seen quite a few YouTube videos of winter tog being caught at this pier. Tried to get live green crabs at a local tackle store, but ended up with frozen sand fleas since they were out of crabs. We had some softshell crabs bait with us and bloodworms. Also I had been picking up a hand full or half dozen 2 or 3 oz sinkers each time that I was in a tackle store, just to be prepared for losing a dozen or more to the rocks when we went after tog. Our setup was a couple of long ocean rods rigged with pieces of crab or sand fleas and two lighter rods for bloodworm baits. I haven't caught a fish on my new Penn surf rod and was hoping to break it in. Livie got us off with a black seabass on the bloodworms. I was losing crab pieces pretty regularly to bait stealers on the Penn. I switched to sand fleas and landed the first sea bass on that new rod. No photo, but Livie fished it for a bit while I re-rigged the other long rod after losing it's tackle to the rocks. Livie got a seabass on the Penn and did get a photo. Would have been nice if it was a legal fish, but still a nice local inlet fish. We both caught seabass on the long and shorter rods pretty regularly, but not like we have done in the summer where we would have fish on before we could get hung in the rocks and lose our lead, hooks, or both. Though fewer in number, these seabass were nicer sized fish and some had great markings. At one point I was fishing the Penn and thought I had a bite. I pulled and felt like I was hung. I pulled the line straight up and felt a give and then a fish on the line. I got the rod tip high and landed the a small tog. Though Livie fished hard this was the only tog of the day . She's getting anxious and really does not want to tog when it gets really cold. We'll see if we can get it done sooner than later. As the wind kicked up and the tide started dropping quickly, we left the pier for the gulls and headed home. I only broke one rod and we lost less than a dozen sinkers, we both caught fish so all in all it was a good day.
  13. Congrats on slamming those urban trout! Should get to the point that you may recognize ones that you have caught previously if you are fishing a C&R lake (I know that even in those lakes a lot are likely to get poached). You're 37 more trout than I have for the entire year. Not a trout fishing year for us. Go sore mouth some more stockers!
  14. @netboy has been posting his golden rainbow catches from those being released in Arkansas. Go check out his posts.
  15. Can't tell from the photo. Just going to have to believe you 😉
  16. I've only shot one deer in the neck. A young 8 pt that I wasn't going to shoot at first. As he started to leave the predator kicked in. The shot was only 35 to 40 yards but through a basketball size opening in the brush. Dropped like a stone. I ended up bringing back my pregnant wife the mile or so back to help cart him out. Was Livie's first drag out of a deer. Not sure she remembers it 🤔.
  17. Love the classics.
  18. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    but it's a great source of fiber
  19. I would think that he would want to go barbless
  20. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    We had fend for yourselves leftover night. I found some cooked spaghetti in the fridge. I made a cheese sauce with shredded Colby jack, provolone, and parmesan cheese. Started by using melted butter and the shredded cheese then added some milk to make it a sauce. Once creamy added the provolone and parmesan. Tossed in the noodles to warm through and some cracked black pepper.
  21. Beautiful brown! Reminds me of one of Al's paintings.
  22. Can you snag gizzards? If not maybe try cut bluegill. This one from outside of Columbia bit chicken liver/nightcrawler on a No 4 treble.
  23. Back in college, we would go to a local pub/restaurant and get their buffalo wings on Weds nights. Well my buddy was drinking a bit before we went. The restrooms in this place were only marked with an M or W. As my buddy got up to use the facilities I mentioned that he should be careful since someone had flipped the letters. The woman that he met in the "Men's" room was not as nice as the one that @ness bumped into. But we all laughed a lot about it anyways.
  24. Unless I want stories, like bowhunting adventures up north or out west, I find that its so easy to get information from YouTube or Online applications that I really don't subscribe to publications.
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