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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. That's an awesome walleye and getting it through the ice on ice fishing tackle is incredible. Congrats!
  2. Nice mount of that walleye!
  3. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    RPS the wings look great.. What did you use to marinate the wings? Then did you bake them or cook on the grill?
  4. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Shrimp stir fry. Bob choy, maitake mushrooms, broccoli, and snap peas.
  5. Isn't congress the opposite of Progress ?
  6. That is an absolute toad! Might be one of those white bass hidden inside of that sow! Congrats! Would have won the one bass competition without having us blow up the photos to see if three more fin rays were over the half inch mark .
  7. Congrats again on some nice Crappie and the beard is coming back in nicely.
  8. Who knows about the issues that resulted in this flag being flown over Key West?
  9. Rick sounds like a cottage industry opportunity for you !
  10. Looking at how fast the House came out with a police reform bill has got me wondering.. Hmm….
  11. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Very Nice. I just hope that you are wearing pants .
  12. It's political slavery; all for votes and power.
  13. Sounds like a great technique. Congrats on a mess of crappie! Great that you were able to take your dad fishing. As you can see by the other comments, many of us including myself no longer have that opportunity and miss it dearly. Cherish those time with family!
  14. Looks like I am not throwing the right baits for catching small shad ! I have to stop using #26 hooks for these guys.
  15. Maybe 6 to 8 feet.
  16. We grew them last year. Got five small but very tasty cantaloupes. Really just a novelty. Figure if we give them attention this year may get a few more. We'll see.
  17. The peppers didn't like the winds that came through a couple of days ago. Need to get some stakes.
  18. melons are doing well so far. Need to make a trellis or bamboo pyramid to get them something to grow onto.
  19. certainly not as extensive as others on this thread but getting some size on our tomatoes. My wafe says that she has been picking the flowers and suckers evidence suggests not 🤔
  20. Both broad-headed and five lined skinks have blue tails when young. We have both around our house. One or two young ones have come in from the porch.
  21. Absolutely great photo! The leaves are almost like stained glass in that light. Of course I can only imagine all of the darters in that creek😁.
  22. Nice catfish! What fly did it bite?
  23. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    The way that I want it made is on white bread and ketchup so that the bread sticks to the roof of your mouth when you bite into the sandwich .
  24. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    I actually really like pan-fried bologna, but prefer thinner slices. As a kid that was one of the few things that my dad would make us - fried baloney sandwiches .
  25. Now you're just milking it ! @Quillback Still don't see 1/4 inch gradations on that ruler .
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