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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Such a great tribute to you father. I am sure that he was just as proud of you as you were of him. Just reading through made me think about the times I would spend with my father. Even better than my personal memories are when my kids reminisce about the times that they spent with him. That is the legacies that we want to leave from this world. Keep making those memories.
  2. @Foghorn congrats on a great winter fishing trip!
  3. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Made a pot roast with a chuck roast. Braised in mushroom liquor, beef stock, and red wine. Braised with onion chunks, carrots and whole garlic cloves. Served with broccoli and mashed potatoes.
  4. I really want to catch a Cabazon. Definitely a bucket list fish.
  5. @trythisonemv I am very sorry to hear about your loss. We will be thinking about you and your family.
  6. Sue's friend in Ashland said that she saw the balloon. I can't confirm or deny.
  7. This is a decent sized blue sucker. I believe that I have seen folks that have electrofishied ones bigger than this in MO. So they are out there. This is a bucket list fish that I have tried to catch out in Kansas in the Republican river. Callaway County man catches world record-sized blue sucker The 11-pound, 5-ounce fish is the first state record confirmed for 2023. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) congratulates Travis Uebinger of Auxvasse on catching the first state record fish of 2023 – an 11-pound, 5-ounce blue sucker. Uebinger was fishing on the Osage River Jan. 15 when he caught the fish using the pole-and-line method. The previous record for blue sucker was a 9-pound, 14-ounce fish caught on the Missouri River in 1997. Uebinger said he was out fishing with a good friend that day for white bass or walleye. “We were really targeting a whole bag – anything that would bite,” he laughed. “We were on my friend’s new boat, trying it out, when I reeled it in. I didn’t know what it was, a sucker or a carp. It was my friend who said it could be a state record.” MDC staff verified the fish’s weight using a certified scale in Jefferson City. Not only does Uebinger’s fish beat the current state record, it also weighs more than the current blue sucker world record of 2-pounds, 12-ounces. According to commercial fisherman, blue suckers weighing up to 20-pounds were once common in the Missouri River. Most specimens taken in recent years were 16-24 inches long and weighed 1.5-3-pounds. The world record organization only recognizes fish taken by pole-and-line and not fish taken with commercial fishing gear. “That would be amazing to have a world record,” said Uebinger. “Especially on a fish you weren’t targeting.” Suckers are considered a good tasting fish. However, they have a lot of bones and need to be prepared differently than most fish. Though Uebinger doesn’t have plans to bring his catch to the table. “I contacted several taxidermists,” he said. “Being in the carp family, it’s a little difficult to mount and it would have to be custom-made. Luckily, I did find a place in Springfield that would mount it, so I’ve currently got the fish wrapped up and frozen.”
  8. 7/11 will be busy tonight😆
  9. You should still be good Jeff, those dates are more just guidelines than rules😆! In all seriousness, I knew a woman in college that had a part time job testing viability of stored food stuffs. Often those tests included eating some of the products, like 5 or 10 year old mayonaise 🤢. This show was on the history channel. I think for only one season. I think that Livie and I watched all the episodes.
  10. One of those shirts was made to commemorate our graduating class from HS. It was 1984 the year of the keg (a standard keg holds 15.5 gallons or 1984 oz). We confirmed that a lot during that school year😉
  11. Heck I have shirts older than Seth😆. By the way what happened to the bright yellow shirts?
  12. X=5 Just in case anyone is wondering😉
  13. Great answer to a stupid question. What ever happened to Show your Work?
  14. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Not me! I have only been on OAF for 8 yrs😅
  15. Congrats again Marty! Great story and you reap the rewards for your efforts. Cool birds and apparently great eats!
  16. @Daryk Campbell Sr thanks for the positive update. So glad to hear about your progress. Hopefully soon we get to see some darters caught on your tanago rod!
  17. A lawyer parks his brand new Porsche in front of the office to show off to his colleagues. As he is getting out of the car, a truck comes flying by and takes off the door of the car and goes speeding off. Distraught the lawyer grabs his cell phone and calls for the police. Five minutes later the police arrive. Before the officer can ask any questions, the lawyer starts screaming hysterically. "My Porsche, my beautiful silver Porsche is ruined! No mateter how long it's in the shop, it simply will never be the same again!" After the lawyer finishes his rant, the officer shakes his head in disgust. "I can't believe how materialistic you lawyers are," he says. "You are so focused on your possessions that you don't notice anything else in your life!" "How can you say such a thing at a time like this?", snaps the lawyer. The officer replies, "Didn't you notice that your arm was torn off?" The lawyer looks down in horror and screams, "Oh my God! Where is my Rolex!" 🤣
  18. We like fishing sculpins😁. Though a lot tougher out this way. The species out here are much smaller and more timid.
  19. Case in point from Roaring river a few years ago. The little guy swam off, but not sure that he made it.
  20. Or not from one with a winter coat😉. I don't tie flies. So these may be silly questions. Do elk hairs sink in the same way that you tested the snowshoe hare hairs? On a fly are the hairs likely be laying on water surface lengthwise or are the tips of many hairs pointing towards the surface? If the latter, then you might not be able to test the bouyancy without tying it to a fly.
  21. "A snowshoe's four toes are large and positioned wide apart. The bottoms of the toes and the soles of the big feet are covered with coarse hair that grows long in winter, making "snowshoes" that support the hare in deep snow and give it traction on icy crusts." Found on PA Game commission website. I thought when reading this parapgraph that maybe it is the coarseness of the hair that resists water absorption or if it is hollow like polar bear hair and thus is more bouyant. Found this at the following: Fly Angler's OnLine "Beginning Fly Tying Part 28" (flyanglersonline.com) The title of this week's session does not have a typo in it. This week we'll look at flies that use snowshoe hare foot hairs for the wing. Yes, I said foot hairs. The bottom of the hind feet of snowshoe hares have long, buoyant, kink resistant hair that floats like hollow hair when used in flies, especially in wings. The problem with hollow hair like elk, deer and moose is that it's hollow and kinks or breaks easily. It floats like a cork, but after a few fish, it's usually kinked and frayed beyond use. CDC is a great material, but floatants and fish slime can foul the barbules and reduce the buoyant characteristics of the CDC. But the hair on the bottom of a snowshoe hare's foot is different. It's buoyant like elk hair, won't foul like CDC, and won't kink or break like most hollow hairs. Most snowshoe hare feet are white, but if you can find one that was taken during the summer or fall before the color change, you can usually get hair that's a light chocolate dun color. If you desire any other color, you can use a waterproof marker to color the hair.
  22. I have seen many when we lived in Ireland. Some areas would have 20 or 30 in a field. Not many people hunted them at that time. It seems that more folks that did hunt them would use animals more so than with guns. We went to a sportsmans show and folks there were selling hunting ferrets and lurcher dogs for hare hunting. From my understanding, the Lurchers would chase and grab the hare by the head if possible and shake it until it was dead.
  23. @tjmLooks like you were missing the jackalope 🤣
  24. In case anyone is wondering that is not Lassie, but a shetland sheepdog. A small breed of dog. Next to a flemish giant, which is a rabbit and not a hare.
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