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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. It will be hard to not cut the shanks for osso bucco ! I will likely need to shoot a couple this year! I may have to camp out at Billetheadville !
  2. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    The fat is the flavor! Remember Emeril "Pork fat rules"!
  3. Congrats on a fine deer! I have always felt that any game taken quickly and processed well for the table is a trophy. I have to get out and try for some myself. The cooler weather is starting to stir that predatory instinct for larger game !
  4. Congrats on a great smallie and good luck on your continued recovery!
  5. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    So with the cool damp weather it seemed that a stew would be suitable. My wife had picked up a couple of Japanese pie pumpkin squash on one of her Amish grocery runs. We have had this squash simply fried. It has a natural sweetness and is a meaty squash. I thought that it would make a good addition to a Dublin pork stew that cooks pork together with apples. I picked up some pork steaks and cubed the meat. Peeled and cubed 4 braeburn apples and cubed an equal amount of the squash. I diced a sweet onion and cooked the onion in a dutch oven over medium high heat until translucent with a mix of bacon and goose fat. I removed the onion and added the squash and only cooked it partially done but at a high enough heat to caramelize the squash. I removed the squash and added a bit more of the fat mix into the dutch oven. I had seasoned the pork cubes with the jerk seasoning mix that I made with my Betterhalf, dusted the pork with seasoned flour, and then browned the meat. I added the onions back into the dutch oven and along with 1 Tbsp brown sugar, 1/2 cup of white wine, and 1 1/2 cups of the chicken stock we made on Sat. The meat was cooked at a simmer for almost 1 1/2 hours. I added the squash and apples and cooked it all for another 40 minutes until both the squash and apples were cooked. Added 1/2 cup of cream and S&P to taste. Mixed until the stew was warmed through. Served it with my wife's latest sour dough loaves. A little Irish whiskey would have gone well with this meal !
  6. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    I have never tried marrow, but have watched enough Meateater episodes to want to try it sometime on crispy bread. Looks good with beef or wild game bones. Now I just need to get some femurs !
  7. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    I'll give that a DANG!
  8. Thanks for posting this information. I was thinking about Norm M the other day and was wondering how he was doing with his treatments. We will keep him in our thoughts.
  9. Great job on a nice night of bows and a white! Got to love catching a trout that hardly fits in your net☺! That was a real nice PB rainbow! My plans changed this weekend and I won't be out at Taney tonight. So seeing fish like yours ratchets that yearning to net a nice trout to a much higher level.
  10. Sounds like a great couple of hours fishing! Congrats on catching a few rainbows!
  11. That doesn't even look like a real fish. More like an over stuffed sausage with gills and fins !
  12. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Well we culled two of our older layers this morning. I skinned the one and into the pot, The other I plucked and kept the skin. I split it in half and roasted for about 20 minutes at 425 deg to get some crispy skin. Then it went into the stock pot and covered with water. Also added cut onions, carrots, garlic, black pepper corns. and a little worchestershire sauce and cooked the stock on medium. Still cooking.
  13. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Looking good Mitch. Definitely need to wipe a little drool from my lips !
  14. We enjoy trout. I don't keep any brown trout but stocker rainbows are a diffferent story. The trout parks and urban trout programs fit the bill if we want fresh fish and no crappie/bluegill are biting☺.
  15. I'm very interested in getting one for small game becuase I have heard about how fun they are to shoot - pretty good evidence throughout this thread. Also to save what is left of my hearing☺ while still enjoying the bounty of small game around us. Also likely to thin the bushytails in our yard without distirbing the neighbors ☺.
  16. I would advocate that you should fish it at least once. Then again I would advocate fishing all of the trout parks as well as the wild trout streams to appreciate these different places and the fish that can be caught there.
  17. Good Luck buddy. Can't wait to hear about the hunt and see the photos! I appreciate the tip and remember where and when to fish. However, ever changing plans may nix any Taney trip. I hope to get it worked out this afternoon. If still around home for the weekend, will either try to get back out for another turkey or stick it out in a tree with the bow.
  18. Great job on your predator control! As BH said most if not all critters need to be managed. Getting it with a bow makes that even more special.
  19. Phil Great fish! For many of us that is a trout of a lifetime. Congrats!
  20. Thank you sir. Still haven't picked up the bow for hunting, yet! Hope that you are still on those bucks that you had on camera. I had a friend show me a 200+" non-typical that he had on his cameras several days during shooting light that he will be going after this weekend. Just put some perspective on that last mushroom photo, look at the barbed wire in this photo
  21. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    We have had times when feral cats were a problem around our house. I was cage trapping them. Over an 18 month period I caught 22 cats, 13 raccoons, and 9 opossums. Of those cats only caught 2 neighbor cats and 3 domestic cats (would meow when approached). The rest were nasty snarling ferals. That was 4to5 yrs ago. Now we are seeing an increase in cats around our neighborhood. Started trapping again and have been catching mostly raccoons.
  22. Ham - Glad to see that you got to have a decent trip with your daughter and dad! Great photos of some nice crappie! I would have loved to have seen another photo of a spotted sunfish, would have been my second (after the one you sent me from a previous trip ).
  23. I emphasize with the drive, a little less from Columbia. Working to get that Friday off to make the trip tolerable. I know that the time with the OAF folks is worth the trip.
  24. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    BH - I would try bobcat. I have heard several guys talk about how mountain lion meat is good to eat. Would try that to if given a chance.
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