So with the cool damp weather it seemed that a stew would be suitable. My wife had picked up a couple of Japanese pie pumpkin squash on one of her Amish grocery runs. We have had this squash simply fried. It has a natural sweetness and is a meaty squash. I thought that it would make a good addition to a Dublin pork stew that cooks pork together with apples. I picked up some pork steaks and cubed the meat. Peeled and cubed 4 braeburn apples and cubed an equal amount of the squash. I diced a sweet onion and cooked the onion in a dutch oven over medium high heat until translucent with a mix of bacon and goose fat. I removed the onion and added the squash and only cooked it partially done but at a high enough heat to caramelize the squash. I removed the squash and added a bit more of the fat mix into the dutch oven. I had seasoned the pork cubes with the jerk seasoning mix that I made with my Betterhalf, dusted the pork with seasoned flour, and then browned the meat. I added the onions back into the dutch oven and along with 1 Tbsp brown sugar, 1/2 cup of white wine, and 1 1/2 cups of the chicken stock we made on Sat. The meat was cooked at a simmer for almost 1 1/2 hours. I added the squash and apples and cooked it all for another 40 minutes until both the squash and apples were cooked. Added 1/2 cup of cream and S&P to taste. Mixed until the stew was warmed through. Served it with my wife's latest sour dough loaves. A little Irish whiskey would have gone well with this meal !