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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. It took a while to get enough strength to draw my bow a few weeks ago. Dropped my draw weight down to 58 lbs and can consistently draw my bow back smoothly. Had to sight it back in. Got my 20 and 30 yard pins set. Now its just too hot for me to consider getting out to bow hunt. Think it's supposed to get cool next week.
  2. Dan Glad to see you get out on the lake. Scored your Sept. walleye. Congrats!
  3. Those were some great brown trout. The water looked fantastic. I enjoyed the video. What were you using to catch them?
  4. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Only the tomatoes were from our little garden. All other vegetables were from the amish community north of us.
  5. Great job on what I would consider tough conditions. I don't fish that section that often. Nice to see some browns in the mix.
  6. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Okay should be the last pork meal for a while (at least for today). Had about 1.5 lbs of pork butt left from the Dublin stew. I cut thin pieces and then pounded them flat with a meat mallet. Seasoned the pork with salt/pepper, dark chili powder and garlic powder. Cut onions, orange, red, and green peppers and the last lemon boy tomatoes of this season. I cooked the pork on med/high heat in a cast iron skillet with little olive oil. Once mostly cooked through, removed from the skillet and added a little more olive oil to the skillet, then added vegetables and cooked them on med/high heat. Mixed up some fajita seasoning with vinegar, oil, and water then added to the vegetables. Added back the meat and cooked everything together. Guacamole, sour cream and shredded cheddar cheese finished off the fajitas. Imitation is the highest form of flattery BH. No teal at our house, but these were good eats as well.
  7. I thought that was pretty funny as well. Thanks.
  8. BH Sounds great. I love your blue toe nail polish. That color would work with any camo pattern. Great job on teal this year. What shells do you shoot? I need to get some stock with the number you have been using.
  9. Russ It looks bigger than that to me as well. Still a great fish!
  10. BH Those duck look delicious! Keep telling and showing guys to cook duck medium rare/rare on high heat. No more than that or else just give them away to someone that will cook them properly. Always gets me mad to hear about folks disliking venison because its too tough or gamey. You have to prep and cook it properly.
  11. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    More pork tonight. I slathered pork tenderloin with coarse grain mustard with honey, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Seared both sides in a hot cast iron skillet then into the oven until 165 deg center. Cooked leftover greens, brussel sprouts, broccoli florets and stems, then snow peas. I staged the cooking so that all were cooked through but none were overcooked. Also added buttered egg noodles.
  12. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    There was a sale on pork at the local store. So Thursday night it was Dublin stew made with pork, onions, and apples. All stewed until the pork was tender and the apples were soft. Served this with champ (irish mashed potatoes with chives) and rolls.
  13. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Haven't posted any meals lately. Monday my wife made homemade hot pockets with diced chicken, red peppers, and cream cheese. Topped with Italian seasoned bread crumbs. Served with a iceberg lettuce salad. Olivia took the picture.
  14. What a great day! Congrats on the blast and cast outings! Seems like you definitely had both the teal and the 'eyes figured out today. Should be some great eating.
  15. That's an awesome small creek smallmouth! Nice fat and healthy. Congrats!
  16. I'm trying to get adopted, but I can't shoot well enough or make nice enough french fry poppers.
  17. Russ That's a great fish. The length is great and the girth is impressive as well. How much do you think that it weighed? 6 - 7 lbs? Congrats on a great fish and well done!
  18. Hey Phil Do you know how they calculate the relative body weight value that they are reporting? Looks like some good opportunities for decent fish down your way this fall/winter.
  19. HK Good luck on your western fishing. I've gotten grounded here in MO due to work and won't be headed out west this fall. So you'll have to post a lot of fish pics to allow me to live vicariously through your travels. Also remember that BH has set the western fishing post bar pretty high. So we are expecting a little commentary as well as quality photos. No pressure .
  20. Quillback I've caught rock bass in Connecticut and upstate NY as a kid. Wouldn't surprise me if they are in Canada as well.
  21. BH Are they any teal left where you hunt? Great job! If you ever get tired of teal, I'll PM you my address.
  22. I agree with Gavin that the Meramec can be a feast or famine situation and the last time I fished it lots of long unproductive water. Mlll creek and BSC will be tougher to fish with spooky fish and tight fishing quarters, but the fish will be there. You just have to work for them, which to me makes those better options. Good luck.
  23. My largest measured ozark and northern rock bass are just a bit larger than 10 inches. However I'm pretty sure that I have caught some over 11 inches.My catches came from mostly fishing small creeks and rivers. I'm pretty sure that there are some that big in the larger rivers or lakes of the ozarks.
  24. Great fish! Congrats on a great trip. What did you use to take the closeup photo? Pretty sharp contrast and great color.
  25. Just had my wife hand me my box of baits. They look great and I can't wait to try them out, possibly this weekend between tree stand setups. Will post any fish that I catch with them. Thanks again.
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