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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. That's because it's a biological process that happens in all populations of animals.
  2. Bret you should be so proud of what you have started in your son as he develops into a great fisherman. Congrats buddy and can't wait so see more from you guys!
  3. By taking out the residents you're creating a vacuum that new mice will come and fill. We had the same issue with stray cats. Would only see a few at first. Once we removed those cats others came and filled the void. Trapped a bunch until we cleared the local population or they became too smart to be caught. Not sure that you're going catch all the mice in your neighborhoid. But really not too much harm in trapping more.
  4. They tasted good. Now have a few more on the vine😉
  5. Ok this one may get deleted but I'm going to post it anyway. A man is with his son in a coffee shop. His son is fooling around with three pennies. The boy accidently swallows the pennies and begins to choke. He coughs and two of the pennies come free but he is still choking on the third penny. Can anyone help us screams the frightened father. Across the shop a pretty woman wearing a blue suit is reading from her laptop and drinking her coffee. With the commotion she gets up and slowly crosses the room to the boy. She undoes his jeans and starts to squeeze and twist his testicles. As she applies more pressure the boy convulses and coughs out the last penny. She deftly catches it out of the air, releases the boy and goes back to her table still keeping the penny. After the dad helps the boy dress and makes sure that he is OK, he goes over to the woman thanking her for her help. "Where did you learn that technique? Are you a doctor?" "No.", she responds. "I am with the Internal Revenue Service!" 🤣
  6. We got some information from another life lister and wanted to target a new lifer microfish, a skilletfish. Had to weed through a few naked gobies, but Livie was the first to land that new lifer😁 Livie #89 (L) Skilletfish, Gobiesox strumosus As she was getting hers off the hook and in the bag, I saw one around the rocks. I quickly got the pole from Livie then lost sight of the fish. I dropped my bait in the hole then finally saw the fsh in a crevice and got the bait in front of the fish and then got it in the bag (#106) and a lifer! Their concave body helps them adhere to different surfaces like a finger 😉
  7. Livie #88 Naked Goby, Gobiosoma bosc Dad caught a couple as well (#105) A few of these guys got in the way of finding a new lifer species from that area.
  8. Livie #87 - Spotted Seatrout
  9. By the bucket full!?!😅
  10. You know that after catching (or trying to 😏) those brookies, attention would have been on what darters are in those creeks 😉. I need to get myself and the family up that way. Looks like a place that we would enjoy a lot.
  11. I have seen photos of others caught in TR within the last two years. Maybe the population is growing.
  12. I'm pretty sure that this one has been posted somewhere in the 190 previous pages, but I saw it again. A man finds an old oil lantern. As he is cleaning it out pops a Genie. The genie says that he can have three wishes, but what ever he wishes for his greatest enemy Bob will get double. So the mans wishes for a brand new sports car that would be serviced and gassed for free for the life of the car. The genie grants that wish and as agreed Bob received two cars. The man then wishes for a grand estate with open meadows, clear water streams, and rolling forested hills. Again the genie grants his wish and Bob is granted two such estates. The genie asks the man what is his third and final wish. The man responds that he wants to be beaten half to death! 😉
  13. I'm going to guess - Michael Keaton 😅
  14. Must be a dove hunter 😅
  15. A woman excitedly awoke on the morning of her birthday. She wakes up her husband and tells him that she had a dream about him giving her a diamond necklace for her birthday and she wonders what that dream meant. The husband gets a sheepish grin and says that she may know this evening. That evening he hands her a small gift and she rapidly tears off the paper in anxious anticipation. She looks down at a small book titled - "How to Interpret your Dreams" 🤣
  16. Probably. One of our math teachers was in one of the Girls of... Playboy spreads and my physics teacher dated Farah Fawcett.
  17. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    That is a great looking waffles iron. I've seen the standard iron but never one with those hearts and stars.
  18. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    No honey?
  19. That phrase had different connotation when I was in high school🙄
  20. And they all came back and we had a great time on the bench there filling out the forms and playing with the pencils...
  21. How about Purell Pharyngodon or Godon andwashyurself😅
  22. I believed that was discussed on here at some point, since I mentioned that to my daughter as she built them.
  23. I love the push, but big difference to me is whether you have to wash your hands, clothes, rod, etc. after catching a masheer 😅! Seriously the masheer has the mouth of a predator. They look more like a tarpon/snook hybrid or a carp with the head of a barramundi.
  24. Is the St Louis Cabelas still open? I remember that the mall looked dead the last time I drove by that way.
  25. Well it wasn't a Bigfoot. She has petite size 6 shoes. It was my oldest that made them. When we took the photo didn't realize that you could see the others.
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