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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. I never chipped a cat, but a nice braise with red wine, mushrooms, onions, and garlic...
  2. Not trying to invoke any further discussion about anything COVID related by this post, but it is a grievance that I want to air. What happened to washing your hands after using the restroom?!? One would think that if you were doing that up to 8 to 10 times a day that it would be a habit after 12 to 15 months of being reminded to wash your hands!
  3. Better yet, stop stocking trout in Taney. Use a mix of spillway and hypolimnetic release to regulate a warmer temp and focus on a walleye and white bass fishery.
  4. @Bassin4fun congrats on your successful trip! You found the pattern and reaped the reward of a great Largemouth! "Luck is when preparation meets opportunity!"
  5. Livie Honorable mention - a cool striped searobin showing the black smudgespot on the dorsal and dark pectoral fins indicative of this species. Mine (#103) doesn't show that dorsal fin but does show the stripes for it namesake.
  6. Livie #81 Northern puffer, Inflatis softballsizous Pretty cool inflated. or deflated (JF #101)
  7. Livie #80 Inshore Lizardfish, Likelyfishie eatitsownyoungus We kept this guy for cut bait, which worked great to catch about a dozen more lizardfish😅. Including this one which I caught while trying to catch a flounder (JF #102).
  8. Great day buddy. Wished that I had pushed harder to get you to go to the other blue ribbon streams in the state. Would have loved to fished them with you.
  9. Sounds better in a inspector Clouseau accent🤣
  10. If there was no Kramer, Elaine, and George this show would have lasted less than a season. Would have been just Seinfeld stand up. He was not the best part of that show. Great writing and cast of characters.
  11. If you don't like being around people it's not the place to be.. lots of junk sellers,, but some interesting stuff hidden amongst the junk.. Picked up things like a hand forged axe for my son, rabbit cages, antique tools, etc. Never found any chickens or rabbits that we just had to take home.
  12. Favorite Ronco product of all time. Boy I wanted one as a kid. In hindsight except for a travel rod option probably was a bad deal to try and really fish it. Actually saw one being sold at Jacob's cave swap meet. Didn't buy it.
  13. We are all headed to blazes for laughing at this.🙄
  14. Yeah lady it's like the lazy river ride at the water park🙄!
  15. Congrats on those awesome Night time trout!
  16. I have bank fished and waded from Montauk down to Cedar grove over the years and agree with you Rick that above Ashley to Montauk would not be the water to run a jon boat. I recall a few spots from Parker down to Cedar grove where there should be some pucker factor. I have seen MDC electrofishing between Parker and Ashley creek. I was wondering why I had only caught one 16 inch brown the whole time until I saw them upstream from me and figured out why the fish were so shy.
  17. Our fraternity dog was addicted to yellow jackets. He actively hunted them down. They would sting the heck out of him and he's slobbering all over, but them his eyes would glaze over and he would lay down for a while. About an hour to two later do it all over again. Shows the stress of fraternity life😂
  18. That is hilarious👍👍🤣
  19. I'm pretty good not catching more. Here's a good example of the crap they can do when trying to get away. I can struggle to tie a knot this well 😅.
  20. Thanks Jeff. Now I just need to plan a trip to Washington. Do you know anything about fishing around Portalnd OR? I likely to be out there (COVID pending) in Nov for a conference. Not sure if I would have any time to get out, but intel is always great to have.
  21. Hill’s bandmates Frank Beard and Billy Gibbons confirmed the news Wednesday in a statement that read, “We are saddened by the news today that our Compadre, Dusty Hill, has passed away in his sleep at home in Houston, TX. We, along with legions of ZZ Top fans around the world, will miss your steadfast presence, your good nature and enduring commitment to providing that monumental bottom to the ‘Top'. We will forever be connected to that ‘Blues Shuffle in C.’ You will be missed greatly, amigo.”
  22. If it's tight wire, I will.
  23. It was a 4 and a half ft snow drift 😝
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