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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Tonight was a nontraditional easter dinner. A nice shepards pie.😀. Last couple of nights we were supporting the local curbside restaurant offerings.
  2. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    All our sourdough attempts were more like flatbread. Didn't get much of a rise at all. They were tough and chewy. Not my favorite at all.
  3. Congrats on the Crane creek beauties! Big or small nice fish.
  4. Looks like a great time buddy!
  5. I love throwing flukes for bass😀! Congrats @Sore Thumbs on a great day!
  6. That looks like it should work for the snakeheads around me ! Just about the size of mummichog that folks use to catch them.
  7. That guy is flat out creepy and I am not a woman !
  8. Its a great recipe. Delicious. I'd be interested in that dumpling recipe.
  9. The gardening that takes place here in MD. When you rent not many options besides potted vegetables. So replanted one of my pre-bonsai plants.
  10. We watched that movie Monday night. We enjoyed it.
  11. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Marty get that pokeweed early. I've heard that they get toxic as they grow. Never had fried blossoms. Have had a couple of dandelion salads in the past. Again it can be an acquired taste.
  12. News has always been about getting that scoop to a hot story that would increase sales or viewership. In the past with a few outlets there seemed to be journalistic integrity. With the switch to 24/7 news cycles on a bunch of outlets the rush to post that next story seems to have led to less time to vet out the story prior to getting it on air. The last couple of years all of these outlets have been pushing their own agendas. So folks talk about truth and that if you don't agree with them you are denying their version of the "truth". The sensationalism has gone to a ridiculous level. As @Mitch f mentioned if there is no screaming there are no ratings. Actually sad really. At work with our clients working from home they are hypervigilant about their projects. So without other distractions our email traffic has jumped easily 30% above the norm. Everyone wants it all right now. So we are experiencing more and more stress from our clients and from each other. We have had very few positive cases on our side of the bay. My fear is that when the stay at home orders are lifted we will see a big spike in positive cases in June/July. I hope that I am wrong. Don't know what we would be like if one or more folks got sick. Can't wait for this all to calm down. Can't wait to go fishing again.
  13. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Ok so a partial forage and homemade meal tonight. My Betterhalf made homemade pasta. The forage part was her collecting dandelion leaves yesterday that she soaked. Then cooked the dandelion leaves with garlic and pine nuts then served on the pasta and topped with parmesan. Was tasty. Just slightly bitter at times.
  14. Since most turkeys are between 1 and 5 years of age, a few bad springs with flooding or freezing temps during the laying period can put a hurt on the populations. Add in that raccoons and possums are likely to eat their eggs and bobcats and foxes eat the poults and it doesn't take long for the woods to be silent in the spring.
  15. Loved seeing Goldie Hawn on Laugh in. Giant crush on her. Mary Ann on Gilligan's Island!
  16. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    @Mitch f sounds good to me. Can't wait to hear what you guys think of that recipe.
  17. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Looks great RPS! Crab season is open. That is one activity that we are allowed to leave our houses. This time of year with the colder water, pretty sure that they are deeper than we can reach them in the spots that we usually catch crabs.
  18. My high school physics teacher dated Farrah Fawcett when he was in High school. Brought in photos as proof. Also fun fact one of our math teachers was in one of those girls of college playboy spreads. Hers was a very popular class😀.
  19. I thinks that its Job😌!
  20. Nice mixed bag of fish @Quillback! Congrats buddy on a decent day fishing!
  21. That poor dog😌.
  22. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Wanted an old classic. Swedish meatballs over egg noodles. Delicious.
  23. Soon after the COVID-19 was being called a pandemic, NC closed the bridges to the outer banks to any nonresident. That killed some of my early beach fishing thoughts . Delaware over the last couple of weeks are stopping folks crossing the border and forcing them to a 14-day stay in DE if you have reason to be there. If not they turn you away. They are checking license plates in public parking lots. At first they closed all of the beaches and inlets (dashed my fishing) , then opened the inlets (hope for fishing) , then shut down the borders (dashed again) ! Anyway good luck on your float trip! Glad that you were able to make a call as to where you were going to fish.
  24. How I feel about our stay at home order here in MD and with the DE traffic stops keeping out us out of state folks from fishing the inlets or beaches . Though this made me laugh.
  25. Congrats! Your boy seemed to have a great day. Can't beat making memories and bringing home dinner!
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