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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Ok so a quick attempt to clear out some food from the freezer. Thawed a couple of chicken breasts. Slice the meat thin and mixed the slices in a bowl with sambal chili sauce, soy sauce, and cornstarch. Cooked until just browning on med-high heat. I removed the chicken from the pan and cooked green peppers, celery, shallot, and slivered garlic. Added the chicken and a bit of soy sauce, salt and pepper and sliced green onions. Served over rice and topped with some hot radish sprouts.
  2. Not a vegetable garden post. We have a very thick stand of common milkweed in our yard this year. The pollinators have been covering the flowers. Here are a few of the insects we have attracted this year. Silver spotted skippers spicebush (pipevine?) swallowtail butterflies Clearwing moth (we call them hummingbird moths) Bumblebees galore A potter wasp I haven't got photos, but we have seen tiger swallowtails, monarchs, great spangled frittilaries, a bunch of different flies, bees, and moths.
  3. Jeff, Looks like the fish missed you from your day off ! Congrats on some nice bass! I really like that thick smallie and the meanmouth.
  4. He hasn't complained yet when I have done my 8 hour round trip drive to catch brook trout in MD or those two 5 to 6 hour drives for shad. Besides my son will have one of our vehicles here in Columbia that I should be able to use.
  5. Lots of bears in the northeast and I am sure throughout the US are being poached mainly for their gall bladders. I personally like bear meat and would love to be here when they do open up a hunting season.
  6. I appreciate that a lot buddy! Thanks. Now I just have to figure out how much time I will tell my boss that I need to spend on my trips back to MO and add a day or two extra .
  7. Some of the microfish (e.g., creek chubs) I catch could be bigger than a few of those wild McClouds. I actually have caught several grass pickerel in that creek a few years ago. It's the only place that I have caught that species.
  8. I may ruffle some fly fisherman, but I have not fly fished this creek. Regardless I have had success using a hopper as additional weight and indicator with a copper john dropper. Got bites including several big bites on both flies.
  9. Definitely three fish on my wish list. Will have to see if they are found around Maryland. Or else I may have to bug you on one of my return trips to see if you could put me on some😀!
  10. No fear Ronnie I'm way ahead of you in that area !
  11. It's a great looking boat. Didn't get to fish out of it but heard good things about it at Jigfest. Wish that it wasn't for sale. If we were staying in Missouri would be interested. Good luck!
  12. That water looked awesome. Looked like a great spot to fish. Are they stocked daily like the trout parks? They definitely were not shy in that clear water. Congrats!
  13. Sounds like a great time. Thanks for the report. Congrats on a successful trip and a great bunch of hard fighting hybrids!
  14. Do they come in sizes smaller than a 1/2 inch diameter? That's the smallest I saw on a few websites. Seems like that size or larger would affect your casting.
  15. My friends lived just outside of Scranton at the time and still are relatively close to Scranton. So you could imagine the reception that song got on those PA tours.
  16. Phil - those all look like bluegills. Congrats on a nice mess of fish! Sometimes it is great to get out on an uncomplicated fishing trip. Cooperative panfish fit that bill most of the time usually with numbers of fish caught and a lot of fight in those fish as well. Can't beat it in my opinion.
  17. Sorry that you are still having further life changes. Good luck.
  18. I know that the belief was that all the bears currently in Missouri were coming up from Arkansas. I believe that the MDC genetic research was showing that there was as small remnant population of bears in Missouri the whole time.
  19. Sounds like the hickory shad that I was catching in Maryland. One of the guys at work lauds it over me that he caught one down at Truman dam. I haven't logged enough time down that way.
  20. This is such a strange fish. The head an mouth look like some prehistoric species. Definitely one that I want to catch . Sedalia angler hooks state-record goldeye MDC congratulates Kerry Glenn on breaking the pole-and-line state record by catching a 2-pound, 2-ounce goldeye on Truman Lake. SEDALIA, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) reports that Kerry Glenn of Sedalia became the most recent record-breaking angler in Missouri when he hooked a goldeye on Truman Lake using a rod and reel. The new “pole and line” record goldeye caught by Glenn on May 25 weighed 2 pounds, 2 ounces. It broke the previous state-record of 2 pounds. Glenn was crappie fishing using minnow for bait when he caught the goldeye. “As soon as I hooked the fish I knew right away that it wasn’t a crappie,” Glenn said. “After getting the fish in the boat, I really had no idea what I caught.” Glenn added he thought he caught a shad, but after taking his fish to Lost Valley Hatchery to get it identified and weighed, he then found out that he caught a state-record goldeye. “I was so shocked to hear that I caught a state-record fish,” he said. “It took a while for that to sink in, and once it did I couldn’t be any prouder. I have fished Truman Lake my entire life and never thought I would catch a state-record fish, and just like that, I did.” Goldeyes are a part of the mooneye family, and most often found in the open waters of large rivers and lakes. Goldeyes have large eyes and prominent teeth on the jaws, roof of mouth, and tongue. Anglers often mistake the goldeye for skipjack herring while fishing for bait. “I’m so very honored and humbled to hold a Missouri state record for the largest goldeye,” Glenn said. Missouri state-record fish are recognized in two categories: pole-and-line and alternative methods. Alternative methods include: throwlines, trotlines, limb lines, bank lines, jug lines, spearfishing, snagging, snaring, gigging, grabbing, archery, and atlatl. For more information on state-record fish, visit the MDC website at http://on.mo.gov/2efq1vl. Congratulations to Kerry Glenn on breaking the pole-and-line state record by catching a 2-pound, 2-ounce goldeye on Truman Lake.
  21. Never saw him either but I enjoy his music quite a bit. I have an older friend that would follow him when he toured PA.
  22. I guess that I should have said "Another man might have been angry." "Another man might have been hurt." "But another man might not have let her go." I stuffed the bill in my shirt.😀
  23. It was a sad smile just the same. And she said "How are you Harry? I said "How are you Sue? Though the too many miles and the too little smiles. And I still remember you."
  24. We know! We've fished with you two😀! And she doesn't like not catching a fish. A girl like her dad!
  25. Thanks Mitch. I really appreciate it! Wish that we could have fished together. Maybe when I am travelling back to MO.
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