Last year when I was fishing most of the trout waters in Missouri, I was most disappointed in the white ribbon section of the Current river below Cedar grove. The crowds were one issue. There were people in most areas that should have held fish. However, you can put in the work and get beyond the crowds. So what really bothered me was the lack of fish life in the river. I understand that as a white ribbon section this is a everything goes type of fishery for trout, but I wasn't even seeing many suckers or minnows in most of the holes and stretches that I fished. I hardly had any follows from any kind of fish. I did end up catching a stoneroller and one rainbow trout in 5 hours of fishing.
Blue Springs Creek was difficult to fish, but at least there were fish in most places you would expect to see them. Problem for me was they typically saw me first and I saw them as they were swimming away. I still caught a fair number of minnows and one nice rainbow in about the same amount of time I committed to the Current River.
I'm sure that there are times when this section of the Current will fish better, but I really don't think that I would go back to fish that section. I catch plenty of trout and other fish in the blue ribbon section upstream. No need as Ham put it to keep beating my head against the door.