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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Ryan the point about Seth is somewhat misleading since he is a really good fisherman that has crappie and other fish figured out. Where a difference would be made are those folks that are not or were not good or great fishermen. Those guys may now be able to effectively target brushpiles they would have not known about. If they are now able to limit out there must be a greater effect on the crappie.
  2. Dave that is fairly disturbing πŸ˜…
  3. I know that he will not likely be happy about this post. I want to wish a very happy bday to a true Renaissance man. He is a master woodworker, air-painter, fishing guide, erc. He is a guy that if needed would give his shirt off his back to help a friend. Always willing to offer fishing advice when asked. Happy bday Duane aka @duckydoty!
  4. Looks like the best bet to catch one closest to MO or AR is in Illinois.
  5. Arkansas Lake Hamilton gives up a giant striper during a recent bass tourney. https://www.thv11.com/article/sports/outdoors/arkansas-pro-angler-reels-striped-bass-lake-hamilton/91-586ce3a8-2ab2-4207-9ef3-51ae8b8c749b Might have thought @Quillback may have heard this story. This is a big fish for sure!
  6. Johnsfolly

    Deer hanger

    I usually like to hang them with skin on for 3 to 4 days before.processing. that is if the weather allows. Needs to be less than 43 deg Ave daily temp. I feel that time allows the muscles to rigor up them relax even have the fibers separate some. Makes the venison more tender.
  7. Those are some egg laden or shad bellies on those bass. Great job!
  8. @Terrierman didn't realize that it was a holiday. Explains the full boat. I was looking only at the weather, mostly sunny, light winds, 2 to 4 ft waves. It was a tough day but we caught a few but no blackfish. Will post later after we get home and I can download the photos.
  9. Going go try our luck today heading out of Belmar NJ. Targeting blackfish but it has been slow lately and a storm system came through Friday and Saturday. We are willing and hoping for any fish and especially some oddball fish to come over the rail. Yesterday pollock and cod were caught. Both would be lifers for Sue and Livie and some good eating. Certain going to be a nice day. Hope springs eternal on the fishing 😁
  10. Hey if it wasn't for @Quillback bringing up the Olympic mudminnow you still may not have heard about the central from Dave πŸ˜…
  11. Looks like a promising start buddy. Can't wait to see how this project progresses.
  12. Johnsfolly

    Deer hanger

    I would love to be able to use an ATV, tractor, or other motorized vehicle. I rely upon myself and family to drag and a hand worked block and tackle pulley/rope in our detached garage. I have a couple of hooks and gambrels if we have two to hang before we process them.
  13. We had brutal winds Friday and yesterday. Today not so bad and even lighter tomorrow. I'll post photos if we catch anything πŸ˜‰
  14. Today from the Shark River in Belmar NJ Hooded merganser Ruddy ducks
  15. Nice fish Pete! Now you're rubbing it in for those of us not at Taney. We'll live, so if you catch another tomorrow post awayπŸ˜‰. We are in Belmar NJ hoping to get a couple of blackfish or bergall tomorrow. Weather was bad Friday and Saturday and not many caught today. Can't catch them from the couchπŸ˜…
  16. I have run hundreds of honey bee studies in our labs over the last 30 yrs. Always liked dealing with the bees and never have been stung. Started working with them in Florida back in the 90s when I was tasked with developing the testing procedures that had never been performed at our lab. I had about $250 in budget to build cages. I made the cages out of plywood using a 4 inch hole saw (a big part of my budget), window screen, and a silicone stopper. I made a holding cage out of a rubber made tub with lid and created a tube with a sliding divider that we would use to allow the bees to go from the holding cage into the individual testing cages. Once they were loaded with the right number of bees, we would close off the tube opening and repeat with other cages. The next large expense was a small CO2 tank. I got a regulator from the lab. We would knock out the bees with CO2 for the studies where we would apply a 1 uL drop of a test solution containing the test material, ususally an insecticide or herbicide. That was always a race against time since the beees would wake up within a couple of minutes. The other study was an oral dosing where the test material would be added to a 50% sucrose solution and fed to the bees. We monitored lethality as well as any abnormal behaviors during a 48 hour study. since those times they have developed much more sophisticated tests with longer term exposures and larval exposures to determine if any newly developed chemicals are going to be deterimental to bees in the environment. As many might know bees have been in a state of decline for several years and thus more concern is being paid to their response to new chemicals.
  17. Since the huting season have wound down for the most part, finally recovering but still not 100, and that the local fishing is in winter lockdown, I have been hunting new birds for that lifelist (the original list that started it all). I really haven't done much birding in the last few years since the multispeies fishing deal takes most of my time these days. As stated earlier, I have rejuvenated that interest mainly after getting details of a rare bird alert on the Cornell Ornithology site - eBird.org. When we lived in Northern Ireland the fishing and hunting privileges were very aristocratic and expensive. So I got into chasing bird sightings all over the country while we were there. That carried over into our first several years in Missouri. We chased tundra and trumpeter swans out in Squaw creek, a snowy owl up near Kirksville, Lincoln and harris sparrows throughout mid-Missouri, etc. That was until the site I was using got shut out by the Missouri Audubon society. Last couple of weekends we have seen the following lifers, a snowy owl (Livie lifer), an Iceland gull, a red-throated loon, a harlequin duck (my lifer), and a thick billed murre. Also many bufflehead ducks, long-tailed ducks, white winged scoters, common loons, purple sandpipers, sanderlings, dunlins, red-breasted mergansers, a pied-billed grebe, and many more common species. It has been fun so far. I can only get a few photos with my phone. Red-throated loon Purple sandpiper Sanderlings
  18. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Love the Iron buddy!!😁
  19. Awesome catch Pete and with photos!😁
  20. I may tap you for a possible location if we head out that way this year.
  21. We caught easten mud minnows last year. Would love to catch an Olympic and a central mud minnow. Hearing that mudminnows, banded sunfish,, etc., are much more nocturnal. I got a brighter headline for those night fishing trips.
  22. I saw my first live one while in Baton Rouge back in the 90s. I chased it and grabbed it. It felt like a warm nerf football. Immediately as I grabbed it, this went through my mind. Two things that I know about armadillos - they can carry leprosy and they escape by jumping straight up. With my face directly above the animal I let it go almost immediately after catching it πŸ˜… I used to see them along the Current River mostly upstream of Bapist camp. On one rip I heard one in the brush and it was coming towards me. I was right next to the bank. I just stood there watching it. It kept getting closer. At one point I tapped it on the head with my 9'ft flyrod (yes @BilletHead and @FishnDave I have fly fished). That spurred it to get even closer. Soon it was digging under one of my wader boots. Then it got on top of my foot. I gently began to lift up my foot. It stayed on my boot until my foot was about 6 to 8 inches off the ground then it jumped off into the river. In the river it jumped swam back to the bank. Those animals are pretty much blind and they are not gifted in terms of intelligence.
  23. Didn't eat them. That is what we called opossum and armadillos. Never saw a live dillo in FL but always dead on the roadside.
  24. Rick down in FL we had opossum and possum on the half shell 🀣
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