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Everything posted by JestersHK

  1. RIP and thoughts and prayers to his family
  2. Brett caught this one last jig fest. I don't remember if we measured it or not, but I was super jelly.
  3. By my count Liv beat ya again lol you go girl! Glad you two found some more and a good dose of night fishing too!
  4. Glad you finally got the net there... 😄 cool catch for sure.
  5. Nice job buddy, hope you and Dave score a bunch on the list.
  6. Nice catching there you guys. Some big shad there for sure.
  7. Glad to see you getting out there buddy. I'm sure somebody will be asking to ID the bait lol
  8. I'm in for an entry Seth of you have tickets left. I'll have wife message ya on Facebook for payment info.
  9. Those hard heads will give you a nasty poke. I had one get the meat of my palm and it was sore for a good week or so. Watch for other signs of infection. They are nasty fish. Sail fins as net boy pointed out are the ones you want to eat.
  10. Good save team. I wonder if they were experienced yakkers or not... could of been bad had you guys not been there to help. Not sure I'd kayak in that flow, but I'm a big sissy unless I'm standing on the bottom lol.
  11. Between the scuds and shad there's gonna be some sea monsters growing for sure!
  12. I got some play by play of this day, but glad you shared with the rest of the group. I try to learn something everytime I go out with others... Now remembering all those different techniques is where my brain hurts 😆 Hopefully we can finally get that group trip going and make it a reality.
  13. Wife and Kierstin will be there as well @Seth A family friend of ours is working his way through Astros Triple A. He's going to get the call soon we hope that he makes the 40 man roster... He's a great guy and is a heck of a ball player. His draft year shot got pretty messed up due to the covid season, but he's worked his tail off and is really close to crossing that last line into the MLB. Took the girls out after they went to the Astros game that evening. Dang buddy, I'll have to check that out next year... We are back home already.
  14. I threw a white jig for over an hour last night 😀 the surf is really rough and the smaller bait fish have been scarce. I'm headed to the Jupiter inlet today so I will def try there.
  15. Got an Atlantic sharp nose tonight off a blue that I hooked deep which got designated for bait duty... Jeff you should def go off you get the chance
  16. Kierstin my oldest is heading off to college this fall. She is a huge cardinals fan so we surprised her for her last spring break with a trip down to Florida to catch some spring training games. The players are great especially some of the younger guys. We watched Jordan Walker sign for over a half hour, and Nootbar signed for her and wished her a happy birthday. She and her sister collected 12 autographs over 3 games. I've snuck away once to fish but the ocean and wind didn't cooperate. Going to head back out again tonight to see if I can find something salty to catch. Of you like cardinals baseball I highly recommend trying to catch a game. I prefer it over going to Busch stadium and the players are allot more accessible.
  17. They are incredibly tough animals. I've seen them take multiple rifle rounds and still go. I smacked one at 40 yards right on the shoulder instead of the neck. She was prolly 300 pounds and we never recovered her. When you start shooting them in the dark they scatter everywhere. Run right at ya as they can't tell where shots are coming from suppressed. Gets the blood pumping for sure and I love the rush.
  18. Oneshot I think I got some 20ga at my dad's house next time I'm by Lebanon I'll bring you a box if I remember. May have some 410 too... None of my guns do I consider tactical...It's such a dumb title, my guns are all tools that serve a particular purpose. Yes we hunt deer and hogs with AR15s... Yes my shotgun looks tactical, but in reality I get 24 rounds of 12ga mini and I have 2 seperate tubes so I can switch between slugs and buck shot without unloading / reloading. It's also very compact so when we're running side by sides at night its easy to get in and out of without getting hung up. It's a very versatile platform with great capacity for shooting pigs. I've been within 10ft of hogs in pitch black darkness that outweigh me and even with an AR or compact shotguns I still feel like I wish I had more gun. Man its a rush though. 300BO is a great round for younger ones in a small easily adjustable rifle that is suppressed so we aren't destroying our ears and can hear everything in the dark. I also shoot hogs with a "tactical" bolt action 270 off a Tripod with thermals for the big ones that we keep our distance from. Hogs will mess you up. Different folks have different hobbies. I'm no high speed operator and don't pretend to be one. Dressing up with guns is silly. I do buy the best tool for the job, and actually use and shoot my tools. It just so happens the tactical tools used to hunt people work extremely well on animals too.
  19. Use that shotgun for hogs and critters at night. Only reason it has a red dot on it, is for shooting under NV. The mini shells have less power than full 00 buck, but they still kill stuff just fine.
  20. Get a small bull pup and run the mini shells in it. My wife has a KSG12 I bought her and it's lightweight and minimal recoil with the mini shells.
  21. Very nice bows, I'll have to hit you up when we get back down to re-attempt the NFOW and the 11pt again... was really going one of those smallies would of been a trout lol
  22. We headed to Crane this morning. Brandon still need to check it off for the slam. We got up early to try and beat the rain and got there around 7. Headed upstream from the bridge at wire road and I watched mostly hoping he would get his required fish first. He finally connected as we were hearing distant thunder and the rain was threatening. I started feeling pretty cruddy as well so we said mission accomplished and called it. With our other 2 spots blown out we headed back this afternoon. We both have crazy schedules and it's hard to sync up to fish but was def a good time.
  23. We were greeted with brighter skies today than I hoped for. It was tough fishing for sure. We caught a few here and there until Blake saved the day with a trip up behind Eagle island with some nav skills I'm just not comfortable with. He put us on some quality fish for sure. Payoffs were a 22in rainbow followed up by a really pretty 20in bow caught by Brandon. Also caught a small brownie up in there to boot. We drift fished scuds after that for some stockers as B wanted to take home some fish. Met up with my old ex boss and some friends on the landing this evening afterwards. Overall a beautiful day on the lake Even if the numbers weren't there. I put a 22in rainbow on my jig rod which is the biggest for that one to date. Tomorrow I think we're gonna switch out up and go hit a few more blue ribbon streams.
  24. @BrandonSTL and I started the blue ribbon slam a while back. We have 11pt and NFOW left for our quest. We headed south today and were greeted with rain, but not near as much as forecasted. We hit the 11pt around 330 and it was stained and running pretty good. We walked the woods at greer down to the confluence and tried to entice a bite. I got bit, and had a good fight on my jig rod, only to finally pull in a smallei from the current... I ended up with 3 more smallies as the water started looking more like chocolate milk as the light was fading. We decided to skip NFOW and see if we can get in on the white bite at Taney. We got here around 1030 tonight and fished til 1AM. I threw a French pearl jerk but only had one good bite as we basically bank fished up above outlet one. Brandon caught a small stocker on a jerk and I caught a few on a white and Grey jig finally. I think we landed a handful and decided to call it quits. Gonna find a boat in the AM see if we can't get after em. Lots of water for sure and it was cooking.
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