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Black Bullhead

Black Bullhead (7/89)



  1. I’m going to be working near St. Robert for a few days, and was wondering if anyone can recommend some nearby wading streams. Smallmouth and googles would primary species, but open to what’s available. I know Robideaux Creek is nearby, but have zero knowledge of the stream. The Gasconade looks close too, but unless it’s low it may not be easy to wade. Any information would be much appreciated. Thanks
  2. Would you say it's safe to leave a vehicle there over night for a shuttle?
  3. Great trip report. Looks like a blast. Does alligator have a tiger head?
  4. 100% spot on. I also highly doubt that Native Americans left their stream accesses littered with dead fish that they decided not to keep.
  5. Anyone here have experience with cabbage aphids? I've been using diamataceous earth to kill any eggs, but don't know how to kill the existing aphids?
  6. That will really help the issue. So if you (as well as many others), feel that there is a flaw in a policy, just get over it. Not challenging the status quo or addressing issues that can directly affect any wildlife species isn't going to help. Just sit down, shut up, and hope one day your children will have books to show them what Missouri streams used to be like.
  7. My favorite place in St. Louis! Had an internship their back in high school. The first pic is my favorite, but those orchids are pretty awesome. Grateful my family took me there as a kid, and I'm sure your daughter will feel the same one day.
  8. DownStream


    Those are some beautiful fish, congrats
  9. Sounds like a great trip Scott. I put in at at blue springs conservation area Sunday and floated down to right above the state park. Brought in a few 8 to 12 inch fish a couple in the 14-16 range. Monday floated back down to Arapaho campground who shuttled my vehicle. Fishing wasn't as much as a priority as viewing the eclipse on a gravel bar with my lady. I did still manage a couple rock bass, 12 inch largemouth, a few more small bronzebacks. I must have missed you guys by about 12 hrs. Always good to get back on the water.
  10. I've had a similar situation as bittlethead, a few little bunnies under my pineapple sage bush. The dog should be running them off any time now. Peppers have been doing really well for the past month. Brandywine and Cherokee Purple doing pretty good, but on the slow side. Kale and Chard growing like weeds. If these temps start to drop soon I may start getting ready for round two with lettuce, spinach, beets, and carrots. Now I just need to find a neighbor with cukes to trade with.
  11. Thanks for the report. Never done a solo overnight, need to make that happen. Looks like that tree makes a good tp holder.
  12. My spinach is beginning to bolt, I expect the lettuce to follow soon with these warmer temperatures. Started the second crop of radish last week, most of which have sprouted. Peppers doing well so far. Tomatoes haven't turned yet, but have some nice sized Cherokee Purples. The Yellow Pear looks really bad, almost completely dead. It never seemed to recover from the septoria, after all the rain. Best of luck to everyone.
  13. I've noticed this myself. I'm thinking the flooding gave them plant of food for a while. Hopefully that means some chunky bass coming our way soon 😁.
  14. You have a great looking office sir.
  15. Thanks for the report Steve. Went down the C.A. today with the lady. Water was running a little high. Not much fishing, but cleaned up a couple trash bags worth of cans and whatnot. Beautiful day to be by the water.
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