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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by m&m

  1. As I've heard Bill say many times, "I'm just not that mad at them." 30 mph wind? No thanks, but I understand it is their job so they have to go. Maybe the severe weather is the reason that I never became a professional fisherman. Yeah, that's the reason! Mike
  2. Bill, happy birthday. Mike
  3. Bobby, glad her symptoms are mild. My wife tested positive in November 2020 and other than losing her sense of taste and smell & feeling tired, she had no serious symptoms either. She has had winter bouts of bronchitis that was worse. Mike
  4. So the wind isn’t your friend all the time? Mike
  5. Great pictures of healthy fish but the way you’re bundled up it looks really cold. Mike
  6. Jeff, nice day with the little guy. Must have been difficult to leave biting fish. Mike
  7. James and Donna, the smiles in your pictures says it all. Mike
  8. Sprint, very nice Christmas present - a family outing. Mike
  9. Merry Christmas to all the OAF members and their families. Mike
  10. Quillback, it appears the fishing is a hit and miss kind of time right now. Spending a few hours fishing on a mild December day has to feel pretty good though. Mike
  11. Dutch, reads like a fun day on the water. Just enough to keep it interesting. Mike
  12. Bobby b, it’s hard to go looking and not make a cast or 2. It appears it paid off for you. Congratulations. Mike
  13. FishnDave, I’ve got 2 of those same rods. Mike
  14. m&m

    Skinny water

    Dutch, thanks for reminding us that there are fish to be caught shallower than 40 feet. Were those banks with the sun shining on them? Mike
  15. Nice results considering the conditions and the depth of the fish. Mike
  16. Unless you’re retired and live on Table Rock Lake. IMHO Mike
  17. If I had all the money I’d ever need I would first make sure my kids & grandkids were out of debt. If money was no problem, I’d hire a guide every day I wanted to fish, regardless of the body of water. While there may be other things that come to mind for me personally, I believe I’d get a lot of enjoyment paying it forward by creating a philanthropy to help people get over a hump. interesting thread Mr. Babler. Mike
  18. Those new electronics have really changed fishing strategies. I’m still in the Champ camp regarding skinny water fishing. Maybe not as successful but there is something about casting to a lay down and pulling a fish out. IMHO. Mike
  19. Someone forgot to tell the fish that they are supposed to play along. Mike
  20. Wrench, very nice traditional Christmas decorations. Looking pretty good. You’re an old softie!! Mike
  21. Cheese, nice pictures of healthy fish. Mike
  22. I want to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. Personally I have plenty to be thankful for. I am thankful every day when I awake and I am able to read posts by all of you on this forum. Have a great day. Mike
  23. Quillback, talk about diehard! It was very cold when you started. That ramp sure produces for you. Congratulations on the success. Mike
  24. Quillback, congratulations on another fine day of catching. Mike
  25. Chris and Jeff, sounds like you both had a good time. Mike
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