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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by 176champion

  1. Thanks for the report Quillback!!
  2. I don't have to go far to hunt deer...they come right up to my front deck...lol
  3. Thanks for the report Cheese!! More cold weather on the way.
  4. Water level is 909 so not all that low.
  5. Two boats collided on Lake Okeechobee during the FLW tourney ... https://scout.com/outdoors/bass-fishing/Article/Two-Bass-Boats-Collide-on-Okeechobee-114249869
  6. Nice Quill!!
  7. I was going to go today but im not a player with 20 to 30 mph winds.
  8. Crank bait wraps..anyone seen these before, they are stick on wraps for crank baits to change there colors and patterns.. http://www.crankwraps.com/category-s/136.htm
  9. So sorry to hear Bo..
  10. Shell Knob boat ramp would be open, Bridgeport would be open and Port of Kimberling City would be open, just a couple off the top of my head.
  11. I usually put a couple of bucks in the box sometimes, dont know if anyone else does or even if they check .
  12. Parking is fine, but they want you to back into the parking spots which are marked off with poles. It's hard to say how busy it is as i have only used it during the week, plenty of area for getting around in...There is no courtesy dock, but the boat ramp it's self is good..
  13. Yup anyone can use it, i have used it many times without issues. They have a money box there as they tried to make it private and i guess COE say's nope can't do that from what i understand.
  14. My fingers are hurting just reading about fishing today...
  15. I ran a 4 gas analyzer on a 5 horse briggs and stratton lawn mower and it put more stuff out then my V8 car motor did...lol
  16. I agree it's a terrible idea...
  17. Happy wife...Happy life as they say lol My late wife would let me buy anything i wanted cause she knew i could not afford it in the first place...lol
  18. Mercury marine working on catalytic converter for the 4 stroke motors.. https://www.arb.ca.gov/research/icat/projects/mercury_marine.htm
  19. A little humor
  20. Tackle warehouse or PM 97merc and Bo will set you up.
  21. Nu Tech jigs are awesome...I like there spin jigs also cause you can change the jig head weight.
  22. Last i heard they still havent found him..also heard he had a regular pdf on but it looked tattered. I have both inflatable and regular, i wear the regular one in winter and inflatable in summer. http://newschannel9.com/sports/outdoors/massive-support-for-family-of-missing-flw-angler-nik-kayler
  23. That was my point wrench.
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