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Fishing Buddy
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    Rural Cedar Co
  • Interests
    Fishing, shooting & most anything technical

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Blue Catfish

Blue Catfish (9/89)



  1. Those purple worm rigs caught bass in any pond I ever visited. I pulled one out of the bottom of the tackle box on Pomme back in the 80's and got laughed outta the boat I was in. Those two guys had never seen anything so goofy looking. Jinxed me for life. Still have Dad's Wizard tools, though. Used the big sockets last week.
  2. I remember as a youngster teaching myself to cast a fly rod from Western Auto. Bluegill was about all I ever caught in ponds of that area. Used to gut them and put 'em on a stick to roast over a small fire until the skin pulled off. Tasted great. No grease, salt or anything. Still rather have one in a skillet as a crappie. I didn't stick with the fly rod. Some day need to revisit that. I really need a hobby!
  3. Hope all are well. I haven't been on the lake in some time. Back, knee, attitude, you name it. But, got the boat ready last week! New tires on the trailer, new oil, etc. Found under the cover a broken bottom half of the Minnkota top shell. Shattered like glass from something. Easy enough to fix (shipping was as much as the part). So here we go - flooded. Looks to be about twice coming in as they are letting out. Anybody doing anything on the lake? The forum has certainly been quiet. Everybody go to Facebook or something? J
  4. How clear was the water where you did that? I went up to Masters Monday and it was frightful. About 2 feet visibility. Reminded me of the Missouri river. Cover is back on the boat for now.
  5. If they sold ammo and chainsaw parts, they'd be my favorite store.
  6. Oh my. So guess I had better get the cover off. New braid and other stuff coming from MidwayUSA today. My new go to fishing supplier. 47 at the dam this morning. Guess I was thinking I'd wait until 55F and they'd just jump in the boat
  7. I live on J Creek! I named it. Good luck finding me! That picture is of a rare Johnson Model 44, one of the first spincast reels although they were used by fly fisherman and generally any type of fishing. It's a knuckle buster with no free spooling. Interesting piece of history. I have several versions and models, but the first version of the Century is the oldest one I ever use preferring spinners.
  8. https://www.nwk.usace.army.mil/Locations/District-Lakes/Stockton-Lake/Daily-Lake-Info-2/
  9. Is it legal to say that?
  10. Plastic on the bottom. Amazing. Would not have thought of it. Thanks.
  11. At least, what, couple days with lower winds and great temps. I live vicariously through youse guys mostly being unable to catch fish at a trout hatchery personally.... I really wanted to wander down towards Masters, but was down in the back, had sinuses to destroy by the mulching of the leaves project, armadillos to shoot down like, well like armadillos. Just don't seem to have the gumption to hook up the boat lately. Perhaps next week! Where do I start - what do I throw this time of year? I'm after anything edible: Drum, crappie, bass, whites. I'll eat a walleye if I can't find a bluegill but prefer fish that don't bite back.
  12. JCreek

    Been quiet

    Ya cain't have too many blue gill as long as they're large enough to clean.
  13. I haven't watched a bobber sink in over - well been a lot of years. What type of bobber are you guys using? Have a web link?
  14. Dow Scubbing Bubbles. Aerosal pump sprayer and easier to use. Spray and wipe calcium away almost instantly. Slight etching of bare aluminum makes it sparkle. Just rinse with water to neutralize. I've used this for years restoring electrical and mechanical antiques with never a problem and makes the Merc shiny black again.
  15. It will go in before it goes back out. Thanks.
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