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dan hufferd

OAF Fishing Contributor
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dan hufferd last won the day on September 22 2024

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About dan hufferd

  • Birthday 10/27/1967

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    Carthage Mo.
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    Gen 1:21
    And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly.... and God saw that it was good.

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  1. You don't need as many of those to make a meal.
  2. Not only that you should see how many bass get netted from the streams and river around Carthage. There are folks from Southern countries netting bass with reckless abandon and keeping everything. The local authorities know about it, but cannot stop them. It's crazy over here !
  3. I was not there when it happened, but I suppose limits were imposed based on the impact fishing/hunting had on the population of what game you are going for. At some point there were no regs' on anything, and I would assume populations got decimated. (I have a talent for stating the obvious) I bet we are better at reacting to improved harvest methods than we were 100yrs ago. Example: In my area you can hunt varmints with thermal imaging, and a rifle after dark. My neighbor has a 22-250 with a can and thermal (really nice set up) he put serval coyotes and bobcats to sleep last year after dark. He probably has 8K in that set up. I remember a day not too long ago when there was none of that allowed. I wonder how long it will be before there are no bobcats or coyotes? Then the varmint regs' will tighten Anywho, I feel like we are doing the same with sport fishing but I reckon we are reacting fairly quickly. I think hunting deer with armed drones is probably next, probably at night from the comfort of the truck or living room, probably just paint balls or something, "shoot and release" kinda thing, it will be too much work to drag it out of the woods and process it. Sorry for getting off the path. We used to catch fish because we like to eat them, we are way away from that now. Don't taste that good anyway😜
  4. I bet the 3-S happens more than you think, there has got to be a breeding population of loins in Mo. if they can hold up anywhere iron co. should be a good habitat.
  5. I back packed that area when I was young in the fall for 3 consecutive years, if they can live anywhere in Missouri and seldom be seen it's in that area.
  6. I use a double uni because it's easy, the FG looks tough to tie. I have learned to not over tighten the uni. I'll try the FG again see what happens
  7. My uncle lives in Alabama, I guess they are already there.
  8. I was flinging arrows a lot when Doug was just getting started painting, he had a class I want to got to so bad, but I never did. Maybe I just don't want it bad enough.
  9. I love faces, the only thing about his work I don't care for are the posses are highly controlled, much like the artists of old. I love it when someone is captured just doing life. I understand where it comes from, there weren't always cameras. I'm still stuck in charcoal land, someday I would like to move to oils. I really enjoy vine charcoals for the first layer, they are real for giving, it makes it fun. I have a tough time cloistering myself for the time, Doug Hall is a local well know artist and outdoorsman in my area. He has learned to make a living at it. He is a great guy too. He lives in a log cabin he built himself. If you ever find yourself in the SW corner of Missouri you should look him up, I would bet you would get along well. I think he has bifocals too https://showmetheozarks.com/2018/11/02/doug-hall-an-artists-roots/
  10. And tasty, do we still eat the fish we catch?
  11. My uncle has the same issue, he got that surgery, and it helped for several years but he is back to glasses, they are a lower power. You are a great artist, if it gets tough you could switch over to impressionism instead of realism and still be great (that's an art joke no one will get). I could not do transitions either they jack with my peripheral vision too much, I would rather just look over or under the line. Off topic, have you heard of an artist by the name of David Gray? www.davidgrayfineart. I don't care for the nude painting, it seems like art has to go there, I don't understand, anyway I like many of his Alla Prima studies. He is the reason I don't paint😃I love his work and envy his talent....someday I'll have to time to practice more.
  12. I would like some polarized bifocals for fishing but I know I would drop them in the lake.
  13. I am an industrial maintenance man, I have been wearing bifocals to tie my line and work with small wiring and the like for over 10 yrs. Some locations do not lend themselves well to bifocals so I carried a pair of +2s for junction boxes that are too high or too low. Recently one of our techs suggested getting a bifocal in the top and in the bottom so I did. These are working pretty well for me and my neck. Maybe this will help some of you too. I hate glasses I never had to wear them until I turned 45 and one evening I had trouble tying a jig, no matter what I did I couldn't make myself see the line.
  14. When I see this I think about fish tacos
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