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    Ozark. Where else?

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Black Redhorse

Black Redhorse (62/89)



  1. The Grass Pickerel is cool - caught them - but not on fly gear.
  2. Just buy these instead of a new gun. Very light recoil: https://www.ballisticproducts.com/Fiocchi-20ga-20Lite-2-3_4-3_4-oz-box_25/productinfo/36520LITE/
  3. The new kayakers don't have respect for cold fast water. Here is the result, unfortunately.
  4. I went out about 2 weeks ago when it was nice for a couple of days in a row - just one 2 pound Largemouth on a suspending jerkbait.
  5. I used to post more but I had a few years of lots of work and personal stuff that took most of my time - but I do live here in Ozark and fish the Finley year-round. Winter can be good but you need a Yak or canoe, and have to really careful about that cold water.
  6. I have 200 CCI Large Pistol Primers, but I really need some Small Rifle Primers. Could also throw in some 209 Shotgun primers and a few CCI Large Rifle Benchrest primers, too. If you have some Small rifle primers to trade just post back - Ozark area BTW.
  7. Yeah - just throw a skirt and trailer on those twin-spins and you'll be catching fish for sure.
  8. Mirage is the stuff- I hate that it's Orvis only - but it's tuff stuff X3.
  9. It's true and sad - we respect the owners, the land, and the river itself. Others DO NOT and will be the bad apple that spoils the bunch.
  10. I haven't been there this year due to work - I'll have to check it out this weekend.
  11. I've powder coated pewter ( was trying to make A lighter jig the same size as the lead one my mold would drop) so I don't know why you couldn't. These guys will know for sure :http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/30992-painting-tungsten-jigs/
  12. Have to work (of course) so I hope you all have a great time. Even when I can't fish I can browse OA and feel like I'm keeping my finger on the pulse of what's happening. Thanks Phil for this space - it means a lot to so many of us. Happy B-Day.
  13. Floating down means dealing with the crowd or pulling out and waiting till the idiots get out if there for a good half hour.
  14. I forget that I have a "cheat" in that I put in and paddle UPSTREAM in my solo canoe, missing the canoe rental crowd by 6 hours. That's how you catch the bigger smallies on the James.
  15. Typically a little higher. There are bigger Smallies there - but you have to really fish it right to get any - there's plenty of fishing pressure.
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