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snagged in outlet 3

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Everything posted by snagged in outlet 3

  1. I don't think it works for rivers. What say you all great swamy?
  2. About as full of malarkey as your water temp formula and Windyville prediction....
  3. I had to go back and read it again (the average high for 3 days) and you are correct. He's full of white bass eggs....
  4. If it only gets up to 74 for 1 hour per day the average temp for the day can't be 74. Right??
  5. I've never seen a racoon in my neighborhood in daylight. But at night on my camera system, my yard is a dam party zone of animals. Coons, possum, fox, yotes, cats, deer and some things blur by so quickly I don't what they are. I have videos of 5-6 coons at a time cutting through the yard. They have a dirt trail worn down between the culvert stand pipe and my neighbors house. It's crazy how much wildlife is out at night in my neighborhood.... Guy in the other cul de sac said the old lady next to him feeds the coons and she has dozens at a time in her yard at night.
  6. I met him at a truck stop in Mississippi decades ago. Nicest guy ever. We gave him the ole "How yall are" and he just started chatting with us. Really nice guy as far as my short experience.
  7. Interesting. Do you think they didnā€™t catch any bigger crappie because there just werenā€™t any bigger crappie in the population???
  8. At the bike shop whenever someone brought in a bike they ā€œworked onā€ first, it almost always cost more than if they had just brought it in initially. This was pre Al Gore internet. Now you could fix most everything yourself with YouTube unless you needed a specialized tool.
  9. Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) is the end of the party.
  10. I was at my condo and that guy came on for the weather. I thought it was a joke or parody or something. I couldnā€™t look away after I realized he was really the weather guy. šŸ˜‚
  11. Says you!! šŸ˜‚
  12. Maybe you could get @fishinwrenchone with custom lettering that says "OAF Armchair Expert at Everything". There should be plenty of room on it since it needs to be really big...šŸ˜
  13. Up-down whatever...šŸ˜‚
  14. I wouldn't call that a flame thrower ya drama queen...šŸ˜
  15. What do you need the nailer for?
  16. He could get an ā€œIā€™ve fallen and canā€™t get upā€ dealiošŸ˜€
  17. They built a new one. šŸ˜‚
  18. Floodgates are open!!! First of many I bet....
  19. Took a lot of fishless trips to find that spot. More scouting than fishing actually. 2 years in and they hang out there spring and fall.
  20. I'm headed to Myrtle Beach in April. Still haven't booked a guide yet but I will. On a brief search nobody stood out but I just started.
  21. Was that a fly rod catch? Thatā€™s a donkey!
  22. I caught this 7 pound brown trout last weekend at Taneycomo.
  23. Thatā€™s awesome! What is she going to major in.
  24. We have a solid 2 plus inches. It partially melted and now itā€™s a solid crust of ice. I broke my wiper blade while chipping it off.
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