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About bassfisher

  • Birthday 01/20/1976

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Plains Topminnow

Plains Topminnow (37/89)



  1. Wanted to say hi im doing great ill finally be on the lake with dad next week. Has been a long recovery but i made it. Also have a New fishing buddy named him george he will be my service dog. I will post report later next week after i go.
  2. Nice fish sir
  3. I did see on the news that it looked like Stockton drop to feet do you guys know anything about that
  4. I do appreciate him sending me that link because I didn't know all that stuff was in that person's vehicle or anything like that really makes a difference on my thoughts so thanks
  5. I didn't take anything personal but thanks
  6. So lets talk fi shing guys asking about bass if it was me id hit the creek channels and fish a craw color crank bait. Only a thought ive always done good like that with high water. Unless they are pulling water out. Have a good one fellas
  7. Thanks guys it was a 9mm
  8. Have not been able to fish. I was shot twice while walking the frisco trail in willard by a drive by shooter that i did not even know who almost took my life.after 3 surgeries im finally home recovering. Asking for you all to keep me in your prayers. Got a fishing trip in a few months with my dad looking forward to going in the skeeter and I'm hoping by then the water has receded a little bit. God bless you all be safe and catch some fish for me
  9. Yes sir he does
  10. Hey guys if you really want to know something talk to David up of baitmasters he will tell you what's going on and that's probably pretty much the end of it
  11. Hey y'all there pulling water from stocking Lake it's not going to be good until probably next week that's when you're really wanting to go don't listen to anything else I win and didn't do anything really good and I've got feeling that fishes up there but yeah just wait until another week with warm weather and it should be good talk to you guys later and have a good evening
  12. So post on Stockton because a lot of these guys don't have a lot of money to go up and fish all the time when they hear stuff like that they like to go fish and I really want them to catch now so please don't post that again. That was kind of messed up that wasn't even really funny bass fisher
  13. That's pretty crazy that you want to mess with guys like that I mean they're wanting to go crappie fishing you need to post post for Stockton Lake and not where he caught them before sorry but I'm not really good with that
  14. They are white bass
  15. Still on the beds they have not moved up yet. Caught alot of bass on a wiggle wart craw color. Sons creek water temp 50
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