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top_dollar last won the day on October 16 2023

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Rock Bass

Rock Bass (42/89)



  1. I doubt you'd get any trouble from anyone for launching a pond prowler.
  2. I fished the Coldwater access down to Sam Baker back in the end of November. This report is a bit late. Bass were biting really well. I caught fish near winter areas, but they were surprisingly up in spots with more current. I didn't bother crappie fishing, I just threw jerkbaits, jigs, and swimbaits for bass. With the exception of a 24 inch walleye, and an 18 inch largemouth it was all smallies and spots less than 15 inches. I released the walleye so maybe it will grow to be a real giant!
  3. I've only been up to Busch a few days this winter, mostly around Christmas time before everything froze up. Fishing has been about the same as usual, at least for crappie. I haven't really tried for other species much. You can catch little ones, with occasional eaters at lake 33 off the dam. Jigs under a float, usually 1-5 feet deep. Other lakes have generally bigger fish, but you'll have to work for them. My best luck is at smaller lakes with south facing dams. There are brush piles off the dams of most of those lakes and that is generally in the deepest water. Clearer lakes they tend to be deeper. It looks like you can launch private boats up here now. I had not noticed this before, and maybe it had been like this for some time, but certain lakes you are allowed to put your kayak or canoe on. I'm excited to bring my kayak up there and be able to fish those lakes from a boat in the winter time.
  4. Of course people on here agree with you...it is a fishing forum in rural Missouri. Most of the people reading this haven't ever left the county they were born in. The difference is most people on this forum are decent enough people, and don't think about political stuff 100% of the time. It is unfortunate, but you are in that percentage of people who simply cannot have a discussion without steering it back to your talking points. For some reason it just occupies 100% of your brain space.
  5. Yeah I bet you do. Probably Hondurans from St. Ann. 🤣
  6. Unfortunately that will never happen because certain people are ONLY here to argue politics. Mitch will continue to post political stuff and start arguments. Like was said earlier...he is the problem. I would assume that every internet forum, regardless of topic, has a handful of people that ruin it for everyone.
  7. I don't care that much. Its honestly pretty impressive they can stick that many big smallies. The huzzah must be doing pretty good!
  8. This was not done by illegal Hondurans lol. You or your "friend" is making stuff up. This was 100% white missouri hillbilly.
  9. That is so true! I have to (get to) break the news they still got a few miles to leadwood. The poor guy usually has to do all the work while the gf just pouts.
  10. Mounts is several miles above Cherokee landing, which is closer to the state park. The mounts access is just above where HWY 8 crosses the river (big river outdoors now). The highest I have put in was hwy M bridge, and it is floatable on down from there. One thing worth mentioning is that you will be doing some serious paddling as there is barely any current. From mounts to leadwood is about the longest 8 mile float imaginable. You're mostly paddling through long slow pools, and dragging boats over 6 inch riffles. Almost everyone who does that stretch overestimates how far they have gone, and still have miles left when they are wanting to take out. It is usually some frustrated guy, and his very unhappy spouse. 🤣
  11. I think per car, but it's not spelled out very well.
  12. Yup. 5$ to launch. There's a little box there.
  13. I have not been on the river all spring, but finally the last two weekends, with the heat and the dry, I got to spend quite a bit of time. I floated from mounts to TDL twice and TDL to leadwood once. The first riffle at the end of the long pool below the mounts access is completely blocked by a tree. Have to portage around. Last weekend the river was up and moving well, but has been coming down and clearing up. Saturday I could see down about 4 to 5 feet and was moving normally. Fishing has been great. Lots of bass biting in the usual locations on most any lure you choose to throw. All smallies and largemouth so far. No spotted bass yet. I caught 2 smallmouth that were 18+ inches (both on a jig), but otherwise most have been less than 15 inches.
  14. I'm sure they taste fine, but I generally just keep crappie and walleye when I'm at Stockton.
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