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Bassin' fool

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Bigmouth Quillback

Bigmouth Quillback (6/89)



  1. I got to try out the Livescope on some crappie in Oklahoma last weekend and was just curious if anyone uses it on Stockton. We were fishing pretty shallow muddy water so it would be interesting to see how it does on a deeper Ozark lake. On a side note: I couldn’t believe how much thicker those crappies were than ours up here. We caught several 14.5-15” fish with the heaviest weighing 2.26 lbs. Seems like it would take closer to a 17” crappie on Stockton to weigh that much.
  2. Saw this on Facebook and hadn’t seen it on here yet, thought some of you may be interested
  3. I’ve always said if you don’t like white bass then you’ve never had them cooked right. I’ve turned many non believers onto white bass. The secret is, don’t tell them what they’re about to eat and they’ll just assume it’s a farm pond largemouth 😂
  4. I just want to know where I can get a “350 horsepower bass boat that runs 100 mph” 😂 whoever wrote this needs to go to LOZ and watch a wake boat for an afternoon. I could get behind outlawing those things!
  5. Out of curiosity, about how fast do you normally pull bottom bouncers? I’m really wanting to get into more walleye fishing this summer but not sure if I’ll be able to maintain speed with my trolling motor
  6. Fished the joe bass tourney Sunday and all of our fish came out of 12-25 fow. Channel points, deep humps/road beds, and a couple in deep brush. Really never tried up shallow but I’m sure there’s a few still hanging out around the bushes
  7. Yes it was great for that short amount of time, I think it was a combination of the wind finally picking up and the storms starting to roll through the area. Just wish it wouldn’t have taken 3 days for the stars to align and the fish to finally cooperate! Ha
  8. Well we gave it our all anyways... caught a few small largemouth Friday evening just running the banks close to the resort with a spinner bait, but were mostly just sight seeing. We didn’t get a chance to get on the water again till this morning (Sunday). Couldn’t get the skunk out till close to noon when the wife landed a nice 14” spot. About 5 this evening we finally got on a decent pattern throwing a Texas rigged green pumpkin trick worm on secondary points in the 5-12’ range. Caught 25 spots and largemouth in a little over an hour with 11 being (barely) keeper size. Not quite as much action as we hoped for but we saw some beautiful scenery and will definitely be back. The views alone are worth the trip! Tight lines!
  9. I knew they would be biting good at Stockton this weekend, while I’m at Tablerock showing all of Taney county how NOT to catch fish! 😂
  10. The wife and I will be staying at big cedar this weekend and she agreed to take the boat (wife of the year, I know). Only problem is, this will be my first time on Tablerock and we’ll be on an arm of the lake that I never hear much about. Does anyone have any reports or tips for The Long Creek area? Also how is the big boat traffic around there? I can’t imagine it being any worse than LOZ but I could be wrong... any help is greatly appreciated!
  11. Only Had about 2 hours to fish this morning so instead of the usual flippin’ jig and spinner bait I tried some crappie fishing. Ended up with 11 crappie, 10 being keepers in the 11-13” range and a bonus 17” walleye. All caught on a roadrunner from right on the bank out to 3’ on flatter gravel banks. Also picked up 8 bass (all males) with 3 being keepers, all on or near beds.
  12. Way to find them! We were at CC yesterday afternoon too, had one bite on a minnow (missed it) in about 2 hours so we tied on the a-rigs and caught a limit of white bass
  13. 29 pounds!? Wow! Glad we left before weigh in, after the day we had I don’t think I could’ve handled that kick in the gut LOL! Seems like there’s getting to be bigger and bigger bags weighed at Stockton every year
  14. Needing to replace the fuel pump on my 1987 Johnson GT200. It still has the original VRO pump, still working, but the pump housing is cracked. I want to stay with the VRO and have found several places to order one, just wondering if anyone might know the part number I need? Thanks in advance!
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