There was a gentleman last year that posted about barely saving his hand with surgery and was inches away from losing more than that. A bolt had come out of his steering and the boat through him and his buddy out.
That's two of you now. That's how it starts. Next thing you know. Their will be a circuit, fast wrapped boats, loose women and beer commercials. We will have to stand in line just to talk to you! can't wait for the live streaming!!!
I can relate to that MOPanfisher. I have enough in equipment to be a decent fisherman , and yet I got a ways to go to be average. My bushiness manager (wife) says I need to get my operating cost down. I am currently in the red at $762.43 per fish!!! 😫
Looking at that first pic Jeff. You might remember when we went I caught a spot with a hook in that exact same spot on it. I would accuse you of catching the same fish. But mine didn't have a line attached to it. I'm beginning to see a pattern here. lol
Anyone seeing anything with crappie yet? Worked for them Friday for a while in the Highpoint area didn't get a a bite. So I changed tactics and decided to not catch bass instead.
Wife is at another fund raiser tonight. I had some Walmart roasted chicken. I was ok with that until I seen that pic. Now, not so much. Thanks... At least I didn't have to go. lol
Pretty much the same for me. Not sure why it was so difficult. No wind might had played a little in it. Had 3 bites all day. That produced a couple of small spots. one on a ned and one on a small swim bait. I'm hoping the crappie pick up soon. Seen pretty much the same temps over in the high point area. Mike
Absolutely! I make it over to Ruark on occasion. Be running around in a Tracker Proteam 190 with Mercury Motor that apparently supposed to blow up anytime now. lol