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Everything posted by FishnDave

  1. https://www.wayfair.com/outdoor/pdp/premium-400-4-person-20-jet-plug-and-play-hot-tub-with-heater-ozone-and-led-waterfall-aqrs1066.html?piid=14225664 Or if you really are stuck on wood-burning hot tub... https://www.wayfair.com/outdoor/pdp/aleko-2-person-pine-wood-fired-hot-tub-bpsp1992.html We had a really nice 6-person hot tub at our house in Iowa. 360-degree waterfall, multi-colored lights, 2 motors, built in Bluetooth stereo, lighted handrail next to the exterior steps. It sat off the back deck under its own separate gazebo. The new owner wanted to keep the gazebo, but didn't want the hot tub. I gave it away for free to a coworker. It was @ 5 years old.
  2. Polo Lake Drive. That should get 'em close enough to recognize their surroundings. 😜
  3. Yeah, they might suddenly feel welcome, loved and appreciated! πŸ˜„
  4. Did you paint the deer? @Al Agnew originals?
  5. It looks like the golden guy on the trophy is holding up another trophy. So...just guessing here... maybe its a trophy for having the most trophies. Or a trophy for making the most or best trophies. Or a trophy for presenting the most trophies. Or... maybe its for "participation"? Spelling Bee champ? For making it this far? We all deserve one for that, right? Garage sale find?
  6. Jumbo! Way to be tuned in! πŸ‘
  7. That is what I thought as well. And that Koi was also a common carp variant. Maybe its all recent reclassifications? Also...fish and humans share 70% of their genes. So... That little bit of trivia will be of absolutely no help. Ever. But how about this? Human teeth origins are traced to fish scales. Boom. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-42057629 I just caught my distant cousin! Or look at a Fish Fry as sort of an "Extended Family Reunion"! πŸ˜„
  8. I've read some conflicting information that Koi are simply domesticated Common Carp. But not so fast...turns out Koi are descended from Amur carp...and don't confuse that with White Amur (Grass Carp). Here's what I could find regarding genus/species names for these fish: Common Carp - Cyprinus carpio Grass Carp - Ctenopharyngodon idella Koi - Cyprinus rubrofuscus Goldfish - Carassius auratus Leather carp are their own species, although artificially bred. Mirror Carp are a subspecies of Common Carp. There are are a surprising number of common carp species that all look pretty similar but must be from isolated areas of Europe and Asia. There are also Crucian Carp and Prussian Carp...and more.
  9. I've probably stated this before....I grew up catching carp in rivers on doughball my dad made. Its like feeding big minnows...not the most exciting method of fishing. We ate them. But I still like fish anyway. 😬 Carp on flies aren't usually easy, and they may not be everyone's cup o tea, but they are a LOT of fun! Trying to get them to hit something artificial turns them into a predator, at least in my mind. Really makes you appreciate them. I used to try for them during my lunch hours. Might go for weeks without a strike, then might catch 3 in 45 minutes. Here's just a few from 2018. ...you get the idea.
  10. Well...now I'm just starting rumors then! πŸ™Š
  11. https://www.ky3.com/2021/01/28/death-investigation-in-a-subdivision-near-willard-mo/ Hadn't heard this before. That's quite an ordeal you survived! Glad you are on the mend. As far as the pics...there was a site-wide issue with that within the past week or so...photos stored on an Amazon server disappeared, was my understanding. So...its not you! 😬
  12. Body found and recovered. πŸ˜” https://www.ky3.com/2021/03/22/rescue-team-searching-james-river-for-springfield-kayaker-reported-missing/
  13. Couple of really nice perch! Congrats to the angler with the new State Record. I'm suprised they didn't list a length...looks like a long fish. πŸ‘
  14. Big fish are fun, no matter what kind. Right? That 10-ish pound brown would have been cool to see!
  15. Are you going to reload all 30-some species? You HAVE to! πŸ‘
  16. From the MDC website:
  17. Could it be that images posted as links (hosted elsewhere) remained, but images stored on this site were lost?
  18. I had posted my photos here as URL links from my Gifyu account. In some other threads, I added the pics directly to the message, which stores them here. I wonder if linked pictures survive, but pictures actually loaded here didn't? How do you and @Ham post your pics here?
  19. That's a great day, John! That Rosyside Dace is colorful...and NICE Flier by Livie!!
  20. That's a beauty! πŸ‘ Congrats!
  21. Nice! That looks bigger than the ones I've been catching lately.
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