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Otay Michael

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    San Diego, Calif.
  • Interests
    Bass Fishing, painting and photograhy, teaching all three.

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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. Flysmallie, great set of images!!! Here's one from yesterday, my homelake here in S. San Diego, Otay Lake. Got 17, almost all on top, up to 5 lbs. Thank U Lord. MS
  2. My brother and his daughter rented a houseboat here on table rock lake. It’s more like a mansion, unbelievable how nice they make these things nowadays on the higher end. I fished from shore and lost a nice one in the flooded brush, DANG. Almost had my first Missouri Bass today. It took my spoke with it. Well only had 8 pound test, normally would’ve fished 50 pound braid, was a cheapie Walmart purchase a couple days ago.. still fun. Thank you Lord!
  3. I've many of these. Funny, a lot of my lakes don't have trout, never stopped a bass from eating them. As I tell my understudies, they are professional eaters! ;/)
  4. Here's one where I got my first French bass, in the Loire Valley region. They exported them to Europe decades ago, bass are not native to there, nor Japan actually. Here's the whole series if you'd like to see more of the Loire Valley, France: https://www.seewald.com/france2.htm
  5. Another Otay Lake shot, a month previously.
  6. Otay Lake (S.E. San Diego county, 5 miles from Mexico), my namesake lake, where I grew up. This was a couple of weeks ago. Four pounders on buzzbaits, 2' of water, yippee. Click photo to enlarge, then again once it loads to 'super-enlarge it'. You'll need to scroll to see the whole image then.
  7. Being a photographic artist and painter, I love stopping and taking photos of the places I'm fishing. It's tough, as 'do I cast at dusk and catch another 6 # bass, as every third cast is netting me, or put the rod down and take an incredible, award winning photo'? Here's one from Lake Baccarac, Mexico this past Feb.
  8. That'd be sooooo cool to get out for a few hours. Sunday could work for me. Please call and let's see if it's feasible for both. You're the best. Michael 858.245.0485 Today I drove and fished the bank, Upper Lake Taneycomo (gorgeous lake, got great photos), hoping to get my first topwater Missouri bass. Some other guy did on a spinner bait, and another got a walleye, on a live shad. Heard they are good eating, never had it, none in So. Cal. to be had.
  9. Not all the topwater at Barrett were 2’s. here’s a nice one, double hook up with a gentleman in the background on a kayak that I’ve been teaching how to fish.
  10. Thanks That's just down the hill from Barrett Lake. Get to fish it? Just got my PB on numbers there, topwater, just last week. 230 on the Sammy, averaging 2 # each. EPIC. Five others on JB, so 235 bass total, unreal. Fished from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm, beating my PB record of 40 in a half day's work, which was there four years ago. Here's a pic of it last fall, of course you know about the fires there.
  11. ...
  12. One of my images from my fourth trip to China. Majong players. Yunnan Provence. I shoot a lot of time exposures, first by accident back in the early 70's, now on purpose. Had to stand and watch for a few minutes, so they'd get comfortable with a stranger standing at their table, then gently put the camera and tripod down, with wide angel, and got the one second exposure just right to capture the movement.
  13. holy moly, what a monster!
  14. Hi. I'm a serious bass fisherman from San Diego, a topwater junkie (biggest bass at 11.6, on frog- released), visiting my brother here in Ava, first time to Missouri. Loving it. Looking to backseat with someone on B.Shoals, or Table Rock, this Sat., June 5th (fly back home on Monday). Am a world traveling photo-artist too, 70 trips worldwide, and have caught bass in France, Croatia, S.Africa, Italy, Mexico etc.. I've art galleries, so I could give someone a nice photo or two of choice worth $50 ea., as a thanks (I've a lot of art, not much $). Could not bring my Skeeter on the plane ;/). Name written in the book of life. Michael@seewald.com website of my art: www.seewald.com 858.245.0485
  15. Hi. I'm a serious bass fisherman from San Diego, a topwater junkie, visiting my brother here. Looking to backseat with someone on B.Shoals, or Table Rock, this Sat., June 5th. Am a world traveling photo-artist too, have caught bass in Croatia, S.Africa, Italy, etc.. I've art galleries, so I could give someone a couple of photos of choice (value $50 ea.) as a thanks, Michael@seewald.com 858.245.0485
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