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About Linhardt

  • Birthday 02/19/1968

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  • Location
    Jefferson City Missouri
  • Interests
    Waterfowl hunting, hybrids, whites, and crappie.....

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Bluegill (10/89)



  1. I am not too sure at the moment sometime in the next few months. But on your next trip there I can trade you some flies for one. Go below the big stone bridge in the fast water stand at the edge and look in the trees. I have hung several up there so you can pick a few off the limbs. πŸ˜†
  2. I was intrigued when you posted your pics and video of said "Grinch Bug". Now you come to one of my regular trout fishing areas and is teasing my wallet out of my pocket. 😳
  3. I can see it now what I would get from those donations from everyone. I will do my best to get that mail delivered. πŸ˜†
  4. 8 days to travel 100 miles? The Pony Express riders averaged 75 miles per dayβ€”meaning they would’ve blazed through 600 miles in the same time. That’s a quarter of the way across the country! Meanwhile, now days they are still deciding what snacks and playlist to bring for the day.
  5. That ending snuck on me and made me bust out laughing. 🀣
  6. I can see it now, "Which area/lake do we want fish?" πŸ˜† Kansas City area lakes that are stocked include: Cleveland Lake in Belton Chaumiere Lake in the Northland of Kansas City Two ponds at Capitol Federal Sport Complex in Liberty Jesse James Park Lake in Kearney Johnston Lake in Raymore Plover Lake and Coot Lake at James A. Reed Memorial Wildlife Area in Lee’s Summit Honker Lake at James A. Reed Memorial Wildlife Area in Lee’s Summit (Youth only) Anglers may keep trout up to a limit of four if they have a Missouri trout permit. Missouri residents over age 15 and under 65 need a valid fishing permit. Non-residents over 15 need a state fishing permit and a trout permit.
  7. Here is the MO Case.net entry in case anyone was interested in the details. Got this off another forum. 24IR-CR00301 - ST V JOSEPH A LICKLIDER (E-CASE) Information Filed
  8. Linhardt

    What's Cooking?

    I like them too, but it seems they've gained a lot of popularity over the past 15 years, causing their prices to rise significantly. They used to go for just $3.99 per pound, but those days of affordable, flavorful cuts are long gone. Cooking channels on platforms like YouTube and TikTok often spotlight these cuts as cheaper, lesser-known, great-tasting alternatives favored by butchers. As a result, demand skyrockets, and so do the prices. Beef ribs are another example that has surged to the top of the pricing charts.
  9. You might need to start carrying an Apple AirTag around your neck so if you do come up missing your wife will be able to track you down.
  10. I remember one time my brother and I were fishing below Bagnall Dam for Hybrids. My brother was getting ready to launch a spoon as far out as he could. The line got a little tangled at the tip. As soon as he released his cast there was a huge splash that the spoon made in the water about 10 foot in front of him. Then in the distance up on the concrete pad that overlooks the spillway close to the dam we hear. "They got casting lessons at Wal-Mart!!" I busted out laughing so hard that I could not make another cast for the next 10 minutes. My brother stood there with a sad/mad look on his face. Something I will never forget. To this day anytime either one of us or others make a bad cast we shout that out to them. On another note we were at the same spot and my brother pulled out this new lead lure called the Man-O-Lure. He says I just got a secret weapon and proudly tied it onto his line. He then launches it across the water when all of a sudden his bail on his spinning reel closes. SNAP! His Man-O-Lure continues to its destination half way across the spillway in prime Hybrid waters. I just looked at him and
  11. I think this front that went through brought down a few but not what people were thinking. Even reports of up north around Nebraska were stating they go some new birds but still not a lot of the mallards they were expecting. But there is still a lot of the season to go. The peak numbers usually get here around Thanksgiving thru first week of December in the north part of the Middle Zone. The counts at Eagle Bluffs came out yesterday and they only gained about 500 - 1000 birds there. So they are at 11,000 total. But it is still hard to comprehend how they get those counts based on aerial flights and ground checks. Especially when they break it down by species. Such as with Nodaway Valley CA 3561 Gadwalls. Down to the single bird count. 😏
  12. That's what I kind of thought. Her posts and pics are not helping the shooter's side of the story at all if he is stating it was self defense.
  13. Went to Eagle Bluffs on a reservation yesterday and hunted 12S pool. Not much as far a birds. In the morning meeting they stated that they had around 10,000+ birds but think they lost some the day before (Tuesday). Gun was acting up and not cycling properly, plus my poor wing shooting skills ended me with 0 birds on 3 shots. But on a positive note took a great nephew and he ended up with his first duck (Mallard drake). Also reminded my that I am not as physically fit as I used to be. πŸ˜’ Dragging a poly jet sled loaded with all the gear for 1/2 mile down the levee had me huffing and puffing and I am feeling it today. 😬
  14. Here is the public Facebook page of the person that was there when it happened. Not sure if I agree that it was a threat to justify the shot based on her post. Other posts that I have seen about it from this person stated it was shot from tree stand between the shoulders. So to me it would have been walking away and not a real threat. But MDC are investigating and will figure it out. But it does have an ear tag in one of the photos. I would be interested to know that tag details to see who, where it was tagged. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/14nv1bYXYFo/
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