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About mhall02

  • Birthday 06/10/1970

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    O'Fallon MO

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Golden Redhorse

Golden Redhorse (20/89)



  1. Guess I'll bring a canoe next time LOL.
  2. There is a big difference between a farm pond and a navigable waterway....
  3. I would say based on the size and number of small brown trout we caught, it must have been recently stocked. If MDC stocks the trout on the park property, access cannot be denied. This begs the question, where are the fish stocked at? I've never been there when they stocked it.
  4. Went fishing near the mill today, parked next to the bridge. Fished under the bridge, just downstream and upstream from the bridge maybe 100 or so yards. Caught and released a number of small browns and a few nice rainbows. All released. Right when we were getting ready to leave a lady stopped and stated the park was closed and we couldn't fish there... WHAT?? Since when? We peacefully left since we were done anyway, but when did that change?? And how did those trout get there, do the guys drop the trout in from the bridge, or do the walk across this 'private' property to stock the trout? Fished there for years in the 80s, but I guess things have changed....
  5. Went on Tuesday, 12/22. No charge to get in and caught all the trout we cared to. White jigs were ticket. Fished from about 1030am - 2:pm, then headed back home. Most fish I have ever caught at MS, I swore never again after the last visit during the catch and keep season a number of years ago so I thought I would try the catch and release after reading all the good stories. Catch and release is the time to go!
  6. Tried 21 Monday the 24 and didn't get a strike. Think those 'catch and release' lakes with flies only is an option to some from what I saw. One guy was standing there with a bait bucket, rod in hand, line out and no reeling. The other was using an orange plastic worm....There was a nice big dead one on the shore along the dam, looked to be 4 or 5 lbs.
  7. https://huntfish.mdc.mo.gov/fishing/trophies-certificates/state-record-fish#block-views-fish-state-records-block This still shows the Roaring River fish.
  8. Occasionally some get out with out a flood, from any hatchery I think. I'm assuming where our current state record Rainbow came from right? Flooded out of that spring pool?
  9. Was there an escape at the hatchery? Was visiting RR last weekend up by the hatchery and there were a number of small 2" ish baby rainbow trout in the river. Where did they come from?
  10. M for Mike, hall last name and 02, I think mhall and mhall01 were already taken?? 28" Rainbow at the Rebar Hole wet wading, summer of '90 attending C of O and working in Branson. Man I did a lot of fishing back then, amazing I had time to attend classes, study, and work.
  11. Well, you are in Mt. Vernon, I grew up around Monett and there is only one tiny creek I can think of that is around there that has 4lb trout that are wild.... I'll PM you.
  12. After trying for over 2 years after graduating from Mizzou with a Fisheries and Wildlife degree and working for MDC and Mizzou for minimum wage with no benefits, I moved on. Salaried jobs are few and far in between with MDC and lets just say I wasn't what the State was looking for to fill their entry level positions in the early '90s. The good thing is the degree was useful for other things non-fisheries or wildlife related jobs (i.e. environmental). Some of my visits from DNR inspectors for wastewater, hazardous waste, and stormwater have the good ole Mizzou Fisheries and Wildlife Degree. Somehow that message wasn't translated to the students that particular reality, but anyhow, just my 2 cents worth.
  13. They are elusive. Remember they would come up to a dry fly, circle around it then drop back down or go ahead and take it, not just pounce on it. You could tell they were really pondering what it was they were looking at. Need to get back down there one day.
  14. So where do the big browns come from? I remember when they started stocking stocker size back in the mid 80s, they seemed to really stand out to me. Would be surprised if something that big would last too long in a stream that small. Would stand out like a big ole log I would think.
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