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Everything posted by MoCarp

  1. MoCarp


    I used to love rabbit hunting
  2. šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ˜¢
  3. Definitely a few of those guys out there. But after you see authentic onesā€¦.. mega fauna fossils are awesome as wellā€¦..
  4. Artifacts are not always arrowheads They are all kinds tools many things ā€¦..artifacts is a better term Atl atl , blow gun, and arrowheads. spearpoints, drills knivesā€¦.you name itā€¦.what these peoples used is fascinating he knows what heā€™s talking about.
  5. šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ˜¢
  6. Not me just a friend from the UK
  7. For spooky fish
  8. Carp weight tech
  9. šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ˜¢
  10. Change is comingā€¦..the walleye cheating scandal, more advanced techā€¦..has a critical massā€¦.these subjects are getting talked about in fisheries management circlesā€¦..of the objectors who are regular tournament anglersā€¦.. truth bombs hurt
  11. This is interestingā€¦.plenty of things for bass to eatā€¦but the calories expended does matterā€¦.whatā€™s changed? More gizzard vs threadfin shad? When calories are available help jump bass from one prey item to anotherā€¦.baby common carp have more calories than a rainbow trout is an exampleā€¦..fishing pressure does hurt fishingā€¦unsure how much is known on TR from hatching to lunker size knowing what is foraged on and whenā€¦.genetics, male vs female distributionā€¦..want bigger bass? Release the big fishā€¦new slot limitsā€¦.less pressureā€¦way to many tournamentsā€¦.sacrilegious I know..but jacking up tournament fees capping how may may be neededā€¦.the Great Lakes fishing boomed because zebra mussels cleared the water upā€¦..changes in the sampling should show up
  12. Neā€™er say worthless
  13. They are not mineā€¦ā€¦but itā€™s a slippery slope native vs non nativeā€¦.habitat has been changed foreverā€¦new species better adapted are in those biomesā€¦think starling poop is an issue? Read up passenger pigeon issuesā€¦broke trees down from the weight of so may birdsā€¦ of how lake trout effected elk populations because grizzly bears were not feeding on the spring cutthroat trout run..and destroyed YOY elk calves trend now is to remove damsā€¦.what would happen to the economy if trout where no longer viable in the white river drainage? Trout are non native. pheasants are displacing prairie chickensā€¦non native grasses are not quail friendly. Iā€™ve read where waterfowl have moved their flyaways west yet avian flu has decimated domestic bird AND wild bird populationsā€¦ anecdotal observation on my part but drought, overharvest and disease are the reasons for less bird in traditional fly waysā€¦
  14. Be sure to stab and stack a few of those bass too?..largemouth bass are specifically named as a major reason for Extinctions of several small fish and amphibiansā€¦brown trout and stripers are named as wellā€¦ ā€œIf present trends continue, much of the unique California fish fauna will disappear and be replaced by alien fishes, such as, largemouth bass, fathead minnows. ā€ says Peter Moyle, a professor of fish biology who has been documenting the biology and status of California fish for the past 40 years. researchers found that, of 121 native fish species, 82 percent are likely to be driven to extinction or very low numbers as climate change speeds the decline of already depleted populations. In contrast, only 19 percent of the 50 non-native fish species in the state face a similar risk of extinction. https://wildlife.ca.gov/Publications/Journal/Issues/volume-108-issue-1-status-and-distribution-of-arroyo-chub-within-its-native-range1
  15. https://mdc.mo.gov/magazines/conservationist/2018-08/missouris-weird-walleye
  16. Gleasons 19 almost 20 caught in bullshoals in 91
  17. The native river strain has the potential to get world record sizeā€¦. in the late 90s early 2000s there was a nice year class in bullshoals thenā€¦state record was 22# caught in the early 2000sā€¦.I chased those monsters back thenā€¦caught and released a couple over 15ā€¦.my PB was 17-8ā€¦..saw a fish under the bridge at swan in February of 2003 that was 7ā€ between the eyes and longer by a heathy margin than a old truck tireā€¦..itā€™s my understanding the pure river stain is difficult to hatchery produceā€¦..Stockton used to have some river strain but havenā€™t heard of a big fish taken in many yearsā€¦.I had hoped the MDC would have done more with the native strainā€¦..the act different than typical walleyesā€¦. skittishā€¦once spooked the donā€™t seem to hang aroundā€¦..I always wondered if they were scared off traditional spawning areasā€¦.there are a few hidden populations I hope we donā€™t lose them forever
  18. At 1st glance it does look like a black catā€¦.canā€™t guess sizeā€¦nothing for scaleā€¦.never saw or seen pics of black pumasā€¦.jaguars once roamed the Ozarks during the last ice ageā€¦.legs look off for a cougar, could be a running black bear and the tail is just a stickā€¦ā€¦set some number 3 4coil footholds with squeakers some deer gland lure in that areaā€¦..cats run a big territory if they are maleā€¦less so for femalesā€¦.could be an exotic some city person dumpedā€¦.
  19. Bubble n squeak!
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