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jim m

Fishing Buddy
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About jim m

  • Birthday 04/23/1945

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Grass Pickerel

Grass Pickerel (23/89)



  1. we meet in batllefield at prarieview heights club house and except boaters and non boaters. our tournaments are just for points and braging rights, we use a measuring board thats shows weight at measured length and write it on a score card and turn the fish loose imediately. anyone interesed pm me and I will give directions ps dues are $100 a year and we have 2 over nighters a year and club pays for rooms come join us
  2. pressured is an understatement, there was around 600 boats just in tournaments. in my opinion it's getting obscene the number of tournys these days especialy on some of our smaller lakes
  3. anyone know current water temp and can you even see the ramp now
  4. fished mostly in little indian, average water temp 65, we caught 10 keeper smallies all looked to be males or spawned out females. 10 t0 15' depth and senkos was the best bait we only had 2 small lg mouth and we only caught the smallies in one small area. we covered a lot of water to find fish
  5. oh that was tacky ketchup tacky 😆
  6. jim m

    sons creek

    anyone tell me if sons creek has cleared up a little, last weekend it was still chocolate
  7. how did the last rain affect the lake, dingy, muddy or just stained. conditions in dam area and lindley arm thanks, will be fishing 9/15
  8. 😍 just pm me your sectet spots and baits, I promise I will keep it a secret
  9. thx Bo, went sat 5/12 ha d one 4lb was on very end where 2 very steep baks met at the mouth of a small feeder creek, looed like a spawne out femael with a very flat belly, she was in a foot of water
  10. it's sad but there are very few bass left in the lake, surplus of crappie and waleye, mucho numbers of keepers but only miniscule numbers of bass!!!!!! so if you're going to stockton don't waste your time fishing for bass, trust me not many bass left
  11. thanks Bo, males or spawned out females?
  12. I have the kovert 6'10" mhvy that is a great sb rod, and works great for sq bills and spooks, great quality for the price
  13. spent many hrs fishing out of a boat like the one on the book cover,
  14. jim m


    don't know what you guys are talking about but I'm talking floating worms because them stickbait things won't work, only A rigs work
  15. jim m


    twitch,twitch, pause twitch,twitch twitch pause, twitch pause get the net, won't be long now OH YEAH BABY
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