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Everything posted by Flysmallie

  1. Probably still at least a few weeks out. A last minute decision on a short video has turned into quite the project.
  2. Nothing there. Waste of time.
  3. They have a lifetime warranty on that. You have to have both pieces though.
  4. Thanks for the ride. I'm working on a video project on some wild trout and it's my first time using Final Cut Pro. Heck of a learning curve from what I'm used to, but I'm figuring it out.
  5. This is crazy. I’m surprised that no one is offering aftermarket options.
  6. How were the films? I wanted to go but couldn’t make it happen today.
  7. I’m sorry that you feel your life is over.
  8. I lost my older sister and dad to cancer. I’ve also lost a lot of friends to cancer and my wife and I are getting ready to lose another friend to cancer. And, several years ago, I had some things come up and went through a lot of scans, tests, exams, colonoscopy to make sure it wasn’t the same cancer that my dad had. Once we were all comfortable that I wasn’t in danger of dying any time soon, we quit looking. No treatments. Can you believe it Wrench? They actually let me leave there without a treatment plan! According to you they should have hosed me for thousands of dollars and killed me in the process. My other reason is that I spend a crap load on insurance. I get two yearly checkups for free. To me, it would be a waste of my money not to get some services out of it. But I also took the time to find a doctor that I really like and trust. He doesn’t come up with a lot of stupid stuff either. He just laughs and says I’m the healthiest fat guy he has ever seen. But I guess the main reason is that I trust science and I’m not scared of doctors. That’s the two parts you are missing.
  9. Not a fan of this checklist.
  10. All of these remind me of all the white bass I caught as a kid on Texoma. Maybe they are all mutts at this point.
  11. The ones around here seem to make moves like that in the dark. I've seen them at night with 2 or 3 inches of their back out of the water.
  12. Not true at all. The most pursued fish in Missouri have no stocking program.
  13. You guys are suckers for crappy photos. LOL
  14. Man you have that Trump victim stuff down don't you.
  15. Then don't go. But quit acting like an arse when other people care about their health. We aren't taking medical advice from someone that can't even repair a 4 stroke.
  16. Good luck Mav.
  17. Tough guys or scared pups, they are all the same when they decide to pull the hand cannon, dangerous and stupid.
  18. Same. Ive been to the same creek the last 4 of five weeks and not only have I not caught anything, I haven’t even made a cast. It’s been the coolest experience ever. But I am happy about FFS. I think if that’s how they want to do it then I am happy for them. I’m happy for me too. As long as they are out there they won’t be somewhere cool, bothering me.
  19. Money wins in every sport.
  20. When I was a kid I fastened a couple of lunker lure buzz baits to a board and they road in the back of the truck all the way to the ponds we fished. I thought I was cutting edge. LOL
  21. There was a tournament a long time ago on Table Rock where Iaconeli caught them on a buzzbait. I think the water temp was in the 40’s.
  22. Recordbar. A little bit different crowd than the Truman. No seating either. But you don’t sit down at these kind of shows. Most venues I have been to are removing some of their seating if they had any to begin with.
  23. From what I’ve heard it was the location more than anything. I’ve been to a smaller music venue, that would have lost its place, and it’s always been horrible parking around there. If you can’t find parking when 300 people are going to see a band, how are you going to have parking for the five hundred people that want to watch the Royals.
  24. Haven't been there in a while. Thanks for the reminder.
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