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Everything posted by Flysmallie

  1. I like her style.
  2. This comment has been flagged as complete rubbish.
  3. That’s common at just about every high school football game. Or it was a few years ago.
  4. A young lady that works in my St. Peters store is a backup singer in a Neil Diamond cover band. They are pretty good.
  5. They were always at Academy. But I'm sure the numbers went up as demand did.
  6. Yep. It’s crazy how many more people are on the rivers. But when school starts they all vanish.
  7. My son in law’s dad bought one. It’s black. But that definitely doesn’t mean it looks any better. The body panels aren’t even straight. That thing has more waves than a beauty pageant. No thanks.
  8. Restaurants do charge extra for the insurance premiums they have to pay. It’s not a line item on the receipt but those $$ are in there.
  9. Ya’ll are blaming the doctors but it’s the government and insurance companies that control healthcare.
  10. bunch of old geezers
  11. uhhhh……we are going to need to let some people go. I would not want to be in any of those meetings.
  12. Are there tours available?
  13. There's hundreds of them out there. And I bet Mercury has been paid for none of them. They are laying people off because there is zero money coming in.
  14. Do the molds get cut in the same place that the baits are made? Im fascinated with the process
  15. That's badass.
  16. Why would you make a video about carp fishing, while in a boat, and not show any actual fishing? I guess they couldn't get one to eat that day.
  17. I hope that’s how they find me.
  18. Yeah it was already below 100 before I made it to the stop sign. I just took it for effect. LOL No matter what it says it’s too hot for this fat boy. I need to be in the water.
  19. From my vehicle when I left my office around 4pm. My panties are wet, and not in a good way.
  20. Beautiful boat @Daryk Campbell Sr. Really nice job.
  21. Flysmallie

    What's Cooking?

    That all looks good Ness. I'm not a fan of fish tacos. Never had a single one that I've liked. I think I have an issue mixing mexican with seafood. I'm weird.
  22. Don't forget the metal detectors and the body cavity search.
  23. They are good looking boats. And I hear good things about them. I have looked at the 12 footer but haven't made a decision.
  24. Flysmallie

    What's Cooking?

    Who are you people that have to go pickup bologna? Is it not a staple at your house? I've had bologna sandwiches three times this week. Good bread, mayo with cheese, the only question I ever have to answer is what kind of chips should I put on it? I can't eat any other kind of lunch meat. Everything else makes me want to vomit. Unless I get it takeout. Wow, I have issues.
  25. There is a stream close by that is really in the Ozarks. And I get the same kind of results. Should be full of smallmouth, or any bass, but it isn't. It does have some of those agressive catfish though.
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