I like to hunt from a ladder stand. I have had many deer and I mean many deer walk with in a few feet of my ladder stand. I have had multiple deer standing all around my stand at the same time. Kinda cool to watch their behavior when they are 10 feet from you. Seems like a lot of hunters like stands on the edge of fields. I always place my stand in the timber next to multiple deer trails. You have a chance of seeing deer at any time of the day when your stands are in the woods. Elevated stands allow you to see further and also get the deer in closer. I know I have never killed a deer further than 100 yards because one I generally get deer much closer while hunting out of a stand. I seldom still hunt from the ground although that is a fun way to hunt. Always wear a safety harness while stand hunting. Never haul a loaded gun up to your stand and never let a loaded gun down from your stand. I hope everyone has a successful season. Remember to be sure of your target before you shoot.