Nice fish!
I think every deep crank manufacturer out there overstates the diving depth. I suppose if you let out 150 feet of line, (light line like 8# test) and then trolled, a crank would get down to the depth advertised, but no way on a normal cast.
That is the guy. $4K per day on the weekend, minimum two days to fish there.
Fishing at La Perla Ranch - Tecomate's La Perla Ranch (
Yep, triploid. Washington state record for rainbows was broken when I lived there, it was an escaped triploid from a fish farm, hung around the nets eating fish food until one day it made the mistake of moving down lake and got caught.
There's a private man made lake in Texas where they feed the bass some kind of giant shrimp and they hope to get a world record there. People can pay to fish there, but it is really expensive. I'm not a big fan of a feeding operation to raise record fish myself, but it is what it is.
I never got a good look at his bait, but I know that "Table Rock Shad" color is kind of a yellow/chartreuse side on Megabass baits, and a white side with a purple top on Lucky Craft baits. His bait sure did look like it had some yellow in it, but that was based on just watching Skeet make a couple of casts.
That is interesting Pete. I never have fished a wacky Senko fast, but have had a few chase it in on the retrieve, probably should have learned something from it.
Got a BassBlaster email today, didn't have Wheeler's baits in there, but mentioned that Skeet was throwing a Pointer 78 DD in Table Rock Shad.
I didn't watch enough myself, but I did see Skeet land one on a jerk bait. Every time I see KVD work the jerker, whether it's a fishing show or a tourney, he always works it like a mad man.
Nice ^^^. I have been picking beans for about a week now, a few cukes, couple of handfuls of cherry tomatoes, and now have a few big tomatoes that will be ready for picking in a day or two.
Need to pick up some bacon and lettuce, looking forward to some BLT's!
As I understand the process, a vaccine trains your body to recognize and attack the virus you are vaccinated for. So you do get the virus, but your body reacts and destroys it before it can effect you. If you are un-vaccinated then it takes longer for your bodies defenses to respond and that allows the virus time to get entrenched and make you sick. Being vaccinated also will keep you from spreading the disease.
That's my layman's understanding anyway.
Seems I remember sushi rolls bein garnished with herring roe. Real little eggs, crunchy texture to them. Must have been cured in some way. You could also get salmon roe sushi, never tried it, that was a bridge too far for me.
Sushi/Sashimi is good stuff. Never got sick from it myself. However the cooked eel was always my favorite. Unagi I think it is called, they put some kind of brown sauce on it that is great. Something else that was tasty in the Sushi joints was panko coated fried soft shell crab.
There were some places on the west coast where they'd have these little boats that could hold a couple of plates with a couple of pieces of Sushi on them that would float by in this sort of circular water course that flowed around the Sushi bar. You'd pull off what you wanted and when you're done they'd count the plates and total your bill. That could get expensive.
An OA member informed me that Bo (Merc1997), is in the Cassville hospital ICU with complications from COVID. I'm sure he would appreciate prayers and support from the OA community.
Get well soon Bo!
Having lived out west, I can tell you that the accesses get trashed there too. Dumped, burned stolen cars, mattresses, people shooting off ammo blasting bottles, I could go on and on.
US population keeps on growing, I'd like to think things will get better, but I'm skeptical.