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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. As usual, my guys stink. Best is Chris Johnston at 21. I also had Cory Johnston, but switched him out for Scott Martin. So traded out a guy that is #3 for a guy that is #51. Gary Clouse at #1, would never have guessed that one.
  2. Now that is hilarious!
  3. Here's another one for ya @Johnsfolly
  4. Coming to your neighborhood - thought the sound was funny.
  5. Healthy browns, congrats!
  6. Bassmaster web site.
  7. FS1 will carry live coverage both Saturday and Sunday from 8 AM to 11 AM ET. Seeing how it will be colder than heck this weekend, I may do some watching. Hopefully some of my picks will still be fishing on the weekend, but probably not as I never get it right on these early season FL tournaments.
  8. They are calling for a bit of a north wind too.
  9. Nope, not going. February is one of the best months for a shot at a big bass here in the Bella Vista lakes, maybe it will warm up by the last week in Feb. May have to wait for the ice to go out too.
  10. Well you were right, I certainly did not see this one coming, if someone had told me the final score, but not who won, I would've said KC.
  11. Dang cold, 27 here this AM, looks to be getting colder as the week goes on.
  12. Nice one!
  13. Nice fish!
  14. That is one funny looking rabbit. ^^^
  15. Yeah I hear you, I have a few things FNF related myself in my tackle stash. I have used them however and even caught a few fish. Sometimes it is better to stay away from the videos, especially for easily influenced folks such as myself. I absolutely refuse to watch videos of guys throwing, big, expensive hard bodied swimbaits. I am afraid if I watch them, I'll end up with a swimbait rod, special reel, expensive line, and a half-dozen $200 swim baits.
  16. Water is still fairly murky in the Big M area, not exactly sure on the clarity, but I'm going to say 4 or 5 feet. We did see one shad doing the dying shad thing, maybe a sign of things to come?
  17. That one could eat the biggest FH I have caught on TR.
  18. And (according to the experts) if they come up from below and slack line it, the bobber will go on it side.
  19. If I'm by myself I'll do a lot of parallel casting over the front of the boat, but when there's someone else in the boat it will be more staying out deep and casting towards the shore.
  20. Met my buddy Jeb at the ramp at 0730 and off we went. It was 26 when we launched and it took a long time to get above freezing, made for lots of fun clearing ice out of guides. However, they were biting right away, we caught them dragging 2.8 keitechs very slowly along the bottom and on ned rigs, the fish we caught were deep for the most part, 10-25 FOW. We caught 18 total, biggest was a 2.5 largemouth. Lots of spots as usual, nice fat fish, we didn't measure any, but several of them were obvious keepers. Also caught yet another 16" walleye. WT 41 and the bass were really sluggish. Very few bites were of the thump variety, mainly rod-tip load ups. Bite slowed abut 11 AM and we were back at the ramp not long after 1 PM.
  21. I think the main issue with the slip bobber on the float-n-fly is that if you want to slowly swim the jig, it will pull up to the bobber once you start retrieving it. Fixed bobber the jig will stay at depth as you swim it.
  22. I didn't know you were a celebrity - I'll make sure and get your autograph next time I see you.
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