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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I am thinking that fish figured out how to catch and eat shad.
  2. Well here is my last trout for the year and as a matter of fact it is my only trout of the year. 😄 Caught it on Table Rock on a Wiggle Wart in about 4 feet of water. Very fat fish, and silver colored, when I first saw it near the boat I thought it was a big gizzard shad.
  3. A couple of days ago I saw the weather forecast for today - cloudy with little to no wind and I made plans to fish today because these kind of days in the winter seem to always be good days to fish the Ned. It was pretty good from 0730 to 1100 and then got a little spotty. Usual winter time stuff, steep banks with timber or steep chunk rock banks were holding fish. I'm dragging a 1/8 oz Ned on the bottom and most bites are in the 10-25 foot range. I caught one keeper on a jerk bait, a fat 15 inch rainbow on a Wiggle Wart but the rest of my fish (22) were on a Ned. 9 were keepers, mainly 15" spots, but caught a couple of decent smalls and another keeper LM. Only saw one other boat today, I was a bit surprised there weren't more folks out there. WT 45-46
  4. Quillback


    I'm guessing the tire shop guy, there's some folks that have made a good living in the tire business.
  5. Quillback


    Well a person doesn't have to go to college if they don't want to. Depends what you want to do in life. You will find that a lot of doors are closed in certain professions to those not holding the necessary paper, medical field being a big one.
  6. 18" minimum for walters. I've caught a few of those 16" fish myself last couple of trips out. Looks to be a strong year class of those fish.
  7. Talked to a very reliable source yesterday and he had a solid limit of largemouth caught shallow. Not a lot of bites, but quality bites.
  8. Well you didn't catch a bunch of crappie, but it is still interesting to see the Livescope view. Where do you have the Livescope transducer mounted?
  9. Yeah that was probably it. Just sent you a message, it should be there.
  10. Nice one! For sure windy out there yesterday.
  11. That's a very nice looking brown, congrats!
  12. Well I'm 62, and have not yet heard any voices or have gone half-blind, is that going to happen soon? 😄
  13. I have only fished it once and that was for a brief period of time, but it was good.
  14. That area has been tough all year. I saw on the COE Facebook page that they had closed Indian to re-pave and it was supposed to be reopened last week, but apparently not. Did you see any stripers on top?
  15. I have not heard of that one, I will have to look it up.
  16. Good idea on the snips, that little bait keeper is annoying.
  17. I went back today, flat calm for most of the morning but when I left at around 1:30 PM it was really blowing. 19 today, 2 were keepers, only 2 on the Keitech the rest were Ned fish. The bites today were more in the areas I expect them to be this time of year, timber on steep banks, but also found a couple back in a cove. Open water Keitech fish had vamoosed. Caught 5 short walleye, biggest was a 1/4 inch shy of bring a keeper. Had another one on I believe, sliced the half zinker lengthwise. Scenery pic, blue sky and calm water.
  18. I now am using these heads, I too miss Dave's and after a lot of experimenting I use these. I broke one off today, on a really bad day I might lose 2 or 4. I use 1/8 oz almost all the time, and I like a #2 hook as the smaller hook won't get you hung up as much. Dave always recommended a #2 on his heads. It is tough to find Ned heads with a #2 hook. Hayabusa Baby Shooting Ball Football Jig 4pk - Tackle Warehouse
  19. That is pretty neat. There's a few beaver on Table Rock, always surprises me that there aren't more, must be a reason, maybe they get trapped.
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