This tree always had good fall colors, I think it is a cypress. Only one around that part of the lake as far as I can tell, makes me wonder if it was planted there when the park went in.
Fishing was OK, started off fishing the Ned rig, couldn't get much of a bite on it, and the fish that I caught were mainly 12-13 inch spots. Switched out to fishing a 2 3/4 inch tube on a 3/16 shaky head, and got better results, still mainly spotted bass, but got average size was better. Only caught one smallmouth, a 12" dude, and only one largemouth, 14 incher. Fish I caught were on bluffs, steep banks, and points, anywhere from 5 to 30 FOW.
16 bass, 5 were keepers - seems to be a pretty good year class of 15-17 inch spots in the lake this year.
WT 51-52.