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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Ozark Thunder. Bo's Bluff Bomb.
  2. Ok, I'll get back to you later today.
  3. Are they on your website or is it call in to order?
  4. Yep, it was Maine rivers that documentary showed them being netted in. Hate to see that kind of value placed on them, seems it always leads to poaching and overfishing.
  5. I saw a documentary about eels a few years ago, maybe on PBS, I can't remember where. But they are in high demand in Asia as food, and what was happening is that the little eels that were returning to the east coast were being netted and shipped to Japan to be raised to adult size and then on to the frying pan. The price was pretty good for those baby eels, some people were making pretty good money catching them. Downside was the population was effected.
  6. Your buddy Kody.
  7. Great report Bill, and thanks for providing some great info!
  8. I bet they were in any stream around here that ultimately drained into the Mississippi (which probably covers them all) unless there were falls they couldn't get over.
  9. I did not pick Wheeler, so he'll probably do well.
  10. Thanks for the report!
  11. I have caught them on worms in New England. You haven't lived until you wrestle with an eel trying to get your hook out. The phrase "slippery as an eel" is so true. Had a high school buddy whose grandfather was Portuguese, his grandad would fish with his buddies on the Charles river at night in December for eels. Old country tradition to have eels for Christmas dinner.
  12. It's a Friday - Monday tourney.
  13. Kansas has some managed fields for doves, never have hunted them, I would think there would be a lot of pressure, but maybe after the opener during the week it would not be too bad. Lot of walk in fields out there too, seems that if a person had time to scout you could find some of the walk in fields that might have some good dove opportunity. http://ksoutdoors.com/Hunting/Migratory-Birds/Dove2/2017-Fields-Managed-for-Dove-Hunting
  14. When the carp spawn was on on both Table Rock and Beaver they were everywhere. Bowfishing hasn't put a dent in them.
  15. I remember the walking catfish scare, back in the 70's. They were going to take over the world, just keep walking from body of water to body of water. Hardly hear anything about them anymore, but I guess they are still in Florida?
  16. Well my rather modest garden has certainly been turning out the cukes for the last couple of weeks. Been eating a lot of Greek salads (cukes, black olives, onion and feta cheese). If my cherry tomatoes ever ripen I'll add those to the salad, assuming the cukes are still coming in. I am once again trying to lose weight, eating all those salads helps. Got some nice sized tomatoes on a couple of plants, can't wait for them to ripen. Found a couple of those hornworms on my plants too. I throw them in the street and let the birds have them.
  17. Quillback

    Bass ID

    They will flat out whack a bass jig, usually harder than your average bass.
  18. Every once in a while we have to "go to the mattresses". Except for us it is every 6 months or so.
  19. One thing I like about living in Bella Vista where there are a lot of really old folks, is that even though I am now 60, the oldtimers call me "young man".
  20. I said that about Ish Monroe a couple of years ago. And today he wins. I sure did not see that coming, but it makes sense, Ish, at times, does well in the shallow weedy stuff which there was a lot of in the Mississippi this week. No way I pick him on Oahe, Ish that is.
  21. I have banged a lure off stuff in docks a time or two, but must admit that I have never broken a light bulb. You unfortunate folks that have boats in slips may have to put on a motorcycle helmet when you step onto the dock to avoid hanging and flying lures.
  22. I was buying minnows at the Hickory creek marina on Beaver to go crappie fishing several years ago. The guy selling the minnows netted some of the dead ones out of the tank and tossed them into the water right off the dock. 6 lb. bass came right up and slurped them down. Guy said that fish was there every morning waiting. Hickory is a commercial dock, no fishing within 50 feet.
  23. Well I have the leader (Martens) - but not feeling comfortable, lots of guys near the top. I have Fletcher Shryock at #47 and he's only 7 lbs. out.
  24. Well not a whole lot to report. Found a bit of a bite on a rocky point early on a 3.8 Keitech, and found a few others near docks and on some other points. Never got into them, just couldn't find them. Should've just stayed on the first point I fished as they were there but slow on the bite. Missed quite a few bites as they just weren't chomping it. Maybe the cool weather messed them up. Caught 15, all spots except for one largemouth and a meanmouth. Most were suspended over 40-50 FOW. Surface temps had cooled down to 81-83. No fish pics, but here's a scissor tail that was hanging around the launch keeping the flying bug population under control.
  25. Dang, that's a big ol' wallie!
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