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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I liked that drone video, looking forward to more!
  2. Call him and try this one on him: A guy gets hit by a car. The paramedic says, "Are you comfortable?" The man says, "I make a good living."
  3. Not a lot of Norfork fishers here, so you may not get much in way of response. Seems a bit early in the year for the trot lines, not that I'm an expert on trot lining, so it will be interesting to hear how you do.
  4. Maybe a defend the spawning ground kind of thing? Similar to salmon when they are spawning? Do they take a fly when they are not spawning?
  5. Give me the guys phone #, I have plenty of bad jokes. I need 11.5 BTW. A doctor gave a man six months to live. The man couldn't pay his bill, so he gave him another six months.
  6. M&M has gotten us the permits.
  7. That would be a neat thing to see. Maybe one of those big soft plastic rainbow imitating swimbaits would work? They make some really realistic imitations, pricey however.
  8. I hardly ever see a malnourished bass, not that I doubt them, maybe it depends where on the lake they did the survey.
  9. 14 lb. walleye in the White river.
  10. Thanks for the report, sounds like the Rock is still fishing tough. I fished Beaver today near the dam and it was slow as well, 3 smallies and an LM. I'm not complaining however, beautiful day to be out.
  11. Could be they had reason to suspect those guys and decided to take a look at their cell phone usage to solidify the evidence. I'm curious as to what they planned to do with the pistols. Did they sell them as a lot, or did they try and sell them one at a time? Might be some buyers out there that are getting a little nervous. Bust 5 guys, one of them will probably lay it all out in exchange for a plea.
  12. Well I spent about 20 years of my life living in Massachusetts, so I give a big NEENER, NEENER to you Pats haters. There were many years of wretched football for that team before they got on this run. I remember the 1981 "Stupor Bowl", when the winless Pats played the one-loss Colts in the last game of the season, the loser got the number one pick in the draft. The Pats "won" as in lost, used the first pick on Kenneth Sims, who was a bust. I don't remember who is doing halftime either, I always skip the halftime show too.
  13. Yeah Ham, I saw it, my answer would be if you're going to run a log filled canal, you should do it at a safe speed. Absolutely avoidable, there's really no such thing as an unavoidable accident, except in the case of a meteor falling from the sky or something like that. To me, this is just about as bad as running full speed down the lake in heavy fog and using the excuse that you have to do that to get to better fishing.
  14. Not bad ideas, Basfis. Suspension and requalification would get their attention. And there have been other accidents where no one was hurt that didn't receive nearly as much attention. I remember a few years ago where Ike ran his boat up a 3 foot bank. Miraculously neither he or his marshal were hurt.
  15. Total take really would not have been worth it, 600 Berettas and some other stuff. Divided between at least 5 people. And they probably were not going to get retail for what they stole. They'd be lucky if they netted $30,000 - $40,000 each, and that's assuming they found a buyer for the lot.
  16. I'm not a great tourney advice source, I'm more of a fun fisher, fishing for bites rather than the 5 big bites you need for a tourney. I'm reasonably confident you can catch fish on the Ned rig, might get a limit, might get a biggun, but I don't know if it's a good strategy to get the kind of bag you need for any good sized tourney with a good field fishing it.
  17. Hey if you ever get down here, let me know and we'll go out and try and hook some fish.
  18. Don't know much about those Prion things myself, but when there was that "Mad Cow" disease outbreak a few years ago, it was caused by Prions, supposedly people got it from eating infected cattle. There seems to be a lot of unknowns about prions, but if you get them, you are hosed.
  19. Fished with my buddy Mike Tuesday afternoon and most of the day Wednesday in the Indian creek area. For the most part, we fished Ned rigs, very slowly with most of the fish we caught coming in 10-20 FOW. They have been scattered, one here and there, usually around steep rocky banks with or without timber. The bites are very, very sluggish, you'll feel that rod tip get a bit heavy with a bit of a rubbery feel, and when you feel that, it's time to set that hook. We boated 10 Tuesday afternoon and 15 Wednesday. No bigguns, but some keepers, a couple of nice 2-2.5 lb. spots in the mix, but mostly smallmouth. Only one largemouth, Kind of mystified as to where the LM's are hanging out. Haven't seen much striper activity, had a school pass under the boat once, then they were gone. Saw some shad balls, but not many, didn't see any dying shad or dead shad. Water temps were 45-47. Very few fishermen out on that part of the lake, saw 2 other boats Tuesday, and never saw another boat yesterday. A couple of pics:
  20. Fished with my buddy Mike Tuesday afternoon and most of the day Wednesday in the Indian creek area. For the most part, we fished Ned rigs, very slowly with most of the fish we caught coming in 10-20 FOW. They have been scattered, one here and there, usually around steep rocky banks with or without timber. The bites are very, very sluggish, you'll feel that rod tip get a bit heavy with a bit of a rubbery feel, and when you feel that, it's time to set that hook. We boated 10 Tuesday afternoon and 15 Wednesday. No bigguns, but some keepers, a couple of nice 2-2.5 lb. spots in the mix, but mostly smallmouth. Only one largemouth, Kind of mystified as to where the LM's are hanging out. Haven't seen much striper activity, had a school pass under the boat once, then they were gone. Saw some shad balls, but not many, didn't see any dying shad or dead shad. Water temps were 45-47. Very few fishermen out on that part of the lake, saw 2 other boats Tuesday, and never saw another boat yesterday. A couple of pics: This post has been promoted to an article
  21. Does fishing Beaver today count? Fished with a buddy today in the Indian creek arm and we caught 15, mostly smallies, nothing very big, 4 or 5 of them were around keeper sized. Ned rigs fished slow and deep.
  22. Pretty fish, caught some of their lake dwelling brethren today and yesterday.
  23. Good job Baxter!
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