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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Kind of weird they are doing a Friday - Monday schedule for Dardanelle.
  2. Is the water still brown in the upper lake?
  3. That is crazy big hail! Here in Bella Vista it was just a lot of hard rain, been a wild spring so far.
  4. Just think if PRADCO bought out Cotton Cordell. We could have pre-PRADCO Redfins.
  5. Interesting about the wood. Just had a discussion while fishing with someone a couple of days ago about wood that had laid in bogs or underwater for a long time. He was a builder and said people would pay big bucks for the right type of that old wood. There is an underwater forest in Lake Washington near Seattle, old growth trees that slid into deep water hundreds of years ago from an earthquake. Lumber from those trees is worth quite a bit, but it is illegal to take it out. They busted some folks who were doing some illegal underwater logging of that wood.
  6. Dang dude, I did fish them, didn't get a bite, so I thought that it would not be a good idea to post that on here. But since, you asked, there you have it. You asked me if I wanted them, and I said, sure send me some, if I do good I'll let everyone know. I've missed quite a bit of fishing time the last year, knee surgery, trailer issues, flooded lakes and just haven't been out on the water when there's a good top water bite. BTW, you could send me a PM asking me what's going on rather than ranting about it here.
  7. 5 and 3/8 inches, 3/4 oz. Looks like it has potential.
  8. Quillback


    If you go to Euchie, I would appreciate it if you let me know how the lake looks.
  9. Quillback


    Not me. I heard that it got pretty muddy with lots of floating wood after the rains. Maybe it is in decent shape by now.
  10. Pretty darned good for a couple of hours on the lake.
  11. Another reason to practice catch and release.
  12. From what I have read, some ramps are sort of accessible. Probably if you ask about a specific ramp that you are thinking of using, you should get someone on here to give you an update.
  13. Very nice! Looks like the water color on that end didn't get messed up by the latest rise.
  14. Fat.
  15. I have caught 3 so far, two on a Ned and one on something else (I can't remember).
  16. Nice bunch of greenies.
  17. If I was making my own wobbleheads, I would pour them with the hook hanger horizontal and put something like a 60 degree jig hook on it. If you do that, you can put one of those spring type bait holders on the eye of the hook and thread the bait on and then Texas rig it. Keeps the bait from getting pulled down to the hook bend when you get a bite and your bait will be more secure when pulled through cover. I pretty much use 1/2 or 3/4 oz heads with creature type baits.
  18. Thanks for the report, I was curious how things are in that area.
  19. Not something I would want as a pet. Especially when they graduate to eating whole chickens and rabbits.
  20. Can anyone explain how the scoring works? Seems like it is heavily weighted towards day 1. I had 4 guys on day 3 and only got about 30 points. None of those bums made the top 12, so looks like a goose egg for day 4 for me.
  21. Military thing, call your weapon a "gun" in basic training or boot camp and it will be the last time you do it, at least while you are in the military. Not defending it, but that's the way it is. I doubt Marine boot camp is like this anymore:
  22. Saw some of what AGFC had to say about Beaver being high, and they say it will lead to better fry survival due to more cover being available.
  23. Nice fish, thanks for the report!
  24. Fish more often.
  25. Yep, something to keep in mind if you launch there.
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