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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Jackall Chan Wake.
  2. I was all fired up this morning on my way to the lake, so many good reports lately. Well, it was a tough day for catching bass for me. Just could not find anything consistent as far as location or baits. Caught about 20 bass, with only two being keepers. Lost one at the trolling motor that looked to be about a 4 lb. largemouth. Caught a couple of top water fish, couple on the c-rig, some shaky head fish, Keitech, and a few ned fish. Most of them were in the coves close to the bank. Didn't do any good on main lake stuff. Caught a 4 lb. flathead that ate a ned. Had a big crappie come off at the boat that ate a 3.8 Keitech. Water temps were 66-68. Color is still murky green.
  3. Haven't really paid much attention to hockey since the early 70's when I lived near Boston. This year I watched maybe a half-dozen Bruins games. Watched them blow a 3-1 lead and lose to Ottowa 4-3. They play tonight in Boston, I'll be watching. So much better to watch hockey on a big screen HD than it was back in 1970 on a small TV with reception via antenna.
  4. Good to hear ya'll got into them! Smallmouth on the Ned, lots of fun.
  5. Put two tomato plants out a week ago, but I am a bit south of ya'll.
  6. My feathers are now ruffled. Congrats on the great fishing!
  7. And a Royals fan to boot, welcome!
  8. I am getting the top water itch. Bass need to get this spawning business over and get back to eating. Thanks for the report!
  9. Great day I would say! Watch out for that duck fellas, Champ is training him to guard his secret spots.
  10. Sometimes when the male bass are on the beds they'll just pick it up and move it away, gets hard to hook them when they do that.
  11. That shad deal makes sense, I have caught fish that were busting shad, throwing a ned at them. Probably worth a shot to throw a shad colored ned at them with a light head at top water fish. Of course hard to not throw conventional top water at them and get the explosions, but having a ned as a follow up, or for the times when the bass are in between feeding session might work well.
  12. Welcome to the site, and we will see you there!
  13. I was stationed near Frederick MD back in 1981. Used to fish the Potomac near Harpers Ferry. Really good wade fishing for smallies in that area, just be careful as the rocks are slippery in the river. The river is very wide but shallow in that area. There was lots of access, the old B&O canal runs along the river there providing access to the river. of course this was 35 + years ago so things may have changed. If you're into history, all kinds of stuff to see in that area, Harpers Ferry, Antietam battlefield, and if I remember correctly, the house where John Brown and his associates spent the night before their Harpers Ferry raid is still there.
  14. Never have seen one.
  15. Thanks, I think we will need them.
  16. Dirt, then PB&J, but some days I might start with PB&J. Gut feel kind of thing, I can't explain it. I did glue up a few green pumpkin/orange the other day on 1/16th oz heads, having seen some bluegills shallow thought orange may look bluegillish to a bass.
  17. Sign me up!
  18. Nice one! There are some big browns up there.
  19. Sounds like we have folk bringing a couple of tables, which is great as we will need them. Phil is sending some salmon, so we can grill that also.
  20. Fished today with Muddy Water. me targeting bass, Muddy looking for crappie. Needless to say, bass caught numbers were much greater than crappie caught. Muddy did get two keeper crappie, one of them was pretty good sized. He was throwing plastic grub things and swimming them. We did get about 40 bass, mostly on shaky heads with worms/lizards and a few on Ned rigs. Muddy got a few on a Keitech with an underspin. Most of the bass were in the coves, not all the way back, but from the front to about 2/3 back depending on the cove. Usually they were in water 5-15 feet deep. We caught a lot of 14-16 inch bass, not many smaller and one 17" smallie. I measured a few for the heck of it, measured two spots that were right at 15" and a 16" largemouth. Fun fish to catch, but it was kind of strange catching so many all about the same size. Mostly males I reckon, but some of the spots were pretty fat. I picked up a Jackall Chan Wake the other day (I am a sucker for wake baits), good sized bait, 130 MM long and weighs 7/8 of an OZ. I can throw it a mile. Good wake action, and has a little prop on the rear in front of the rear treble. Has one 12" bass take a swipe at it, maybe still a bit early for the waker. I like the way it looked, I think it has potential. Water temps were 59-62.
  21. if I'm ever around Vernon, and he starts getting out the camera - I am out of there..
  22. Glad to hear you are back on the water!
  23. Any one have a card table/outdoor table or two they can bring?
  24. Carl - You can certainly fish by yourself. Look forward to seeing you there!
  25. Love a good spinner bait bite, which for me is about once a year if I am lucky.
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