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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Go get 'em 176. With the stained water, I'd probably start with that middle one in your pics. Do you have a lure retriever? Speaking for myself, I have to break out the ol' retriever at least once or twice a day when throwing cranks on the Rock.
  2. Very nice, healthy looking bass.
  3. Welcome!
  4. Iovino is getting beat to the punch.
  5. Like we need another 7-8 foot deep running crank. Molix.
  6. Quillback

    What's Cooking?

    Man that sounds awesome - It would probably get devoured at the Jigfest. (Hint, Hint).
  7. I agree - they were running that read option all year long, and just hardly ran it against Denver. Used Cam as a drop back style QB, which, and I've only watched a few Panther games, isn't his strength. If I was a Carolina fan, I might have started throwing stuff at the TV.
  8. Just finished 'A Midnight Clear' by William Wharton. Read it about 20 years ago, and it was time for a re-read. It's about a squad of GI's on outpost duty in the Ardennes right before the Germans launched their offensive that is known as the Battle of the Bulge. Not a Sergeant-Rock type book, more about the stupidity and waste of war and the miserable conditions these guys had to endure. The author was a WWII infantryman serving in Europe, almost reads like an auto-biography.
  9. I have read The Road - as you say dark and grim, but a good read. McCarthy also wrote No Country for Old Men. Another book worth reading if you haven't already.
  10. Leave a pile of them around a Louisiana chef, and he's likely to throw them in the gumbo. They look that real.
  11. I watched the game, but I think it would have been better to have gone fishing. Wasn't a fan of either team, and it was a really mediocre game, felt like I was watching Thursday night football.
  12. Excellent, thanks for the update. I hate losing big fish that I never see.
  13. Well, you should. But if you get a bad one, send it to Spro, I hear they are real good at making up for it. I'm not saying that a Rock Crawler is better than a Wart at all times, but I'm saying that has different characteristics than a Wart.
  14. Looks like Carter hollow, I have fished it many times. We did go in there Friday and did not get one bleeping bite. Good on you for getting in there and getting some.
  15. Getting the right one scoped this time, surgeon says it will maybe get me 2 years, but at that point I may need a replacement. I also must lose weight, so I have been dieting the last few weeks. Man if both of your knees need replacing, that has got to be some real pain you are dealing with, everybody I've talked with that has had that replacement deal, has always said they are glad they did it.
  16. Saw a guy do both one day at the Big M ramp. The walkway to the dock was under water, water there was about knee deep. The poor guy launched his boat, tied it up to the dock, then as he reached the part of the walkway that was under water, he slipped and fell sideways into a foot of water. He got up, wet and madder than heck, decided he was going to go home (it was a chilly fall morning), backed his trailer into the water, put the boat on the trailer, tried to exit the boat by going over the front side, but somehow tripped and fell sideways into about 6" of water on the concrete ramp. That one hurt. For the record, I did offer to help (twice), but he insisted on doing it himself. But, it could happen to any of us, really pays to be careful when loading/unloading the boat. And also for the record, I did a face plant myself once back when I had my 17' G3. Parked it on the gravel next to the ramp, tried to exit over the bow, one foot caught hung up on the railing, down I went, just barely had time to get my hands under my chest, but still went down hard. One of those things where I did an inventory for about 30 seconds before I decided to get up. Fortunately nothing was broken.
  17. Thanks guys for the kind thoughts. From all that I've heard, getting a knee scoped usually is a pretty quick recovery. I'll definitely take Champ up on his offer, even if I'm completely recovered. Heck, even if I can't fish, I'd go with him to see how he fishes that Crawler.
  18. Yeah I agree, if you're gonna poach, at least take them home and fry them up. And you'd think a poacher with 2 cents worth of brain power, would want to be somewhat careful about what they are doing. Leaving the carcasses at the ramp kind of advertises your law breaking.
  19. You guys are killing me with these reports, I have to get my knee worked on Monday, so it may be a bit before I can get out again. But, it sure looks like the fish have turned on.
  20. Nice!
  21. Rock Crawler is a bit heavier and runs a bit deeper than the Wart. Easier to cast, and make long casts with. The fish like it. Good hooks, usually runs true out of the box.
  22. That is some good fishing, thanks for sharing! Thanks also for the Kings info, I've been wondering what it was like up there.
  23. Fished from 0800 to 1430 with my buddy Jeb. We caught 15, with 4 keeper sized. Most of our fish came from 2 locations, fished some other spots that should be holding fish and got blanked. Ned rig, shaky head, and 1 or 2 on the A-rig. Water temp 45, water is still that stained green color, hasn't changed from last week.
  24. Yeah man, quit training the fish to do that, I've run into more than a few of those.
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