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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Good to hear he is doing well, hopefully he'll be back out there soon catching some more fish!
  2. I would guess it is people coming in for the weekend. No big tourneys that I am aware of.
  3. And turn up the heat too please. 49 tomorrow morning with a north wind blowing, thought about going fishing, but I will wait until after the weekend and things get warmer around here. 🥶
  4. That is one fat brown, fairly small head for the size of the fish, must be growing fast!
  5. Drove over it today, it is up and brown for sure, but not so high that it flooded the BV golf course. If there's a positive to all this rain, it sure has things greened up.
  6. I don't know how much, but it rained all morning. It has stopped and I actually see some blue sky! The prognosticators say we'll get more tonight and tomorrow. I noticed the Kings is on the rise.
  7. On BBC there was a guy that posted on there with the alias "Jetskibrian". He fished the salt I think out of Norfolk VA in his jetski. Had it all set up for fishing.
  8. So far the rain is staying in OK. Vernon probably made a typo on the coordinates when he was putting in the data in his flood app.
  9. You ever hear that saying - "Bad spellers of the world, untie!". 😀 Never have fished Taney, but it sounds like 2 units would provide some flow, but not a ridiculous amount.
  10. Looks like they have really dropped the release volume.
  11. That is a neat trip. congrats! Surprised there are grayling in AZ.
  12. First branch on the bream family tree!
  13. I went fishing today, could've took a fish face pic or two, didn't know about this thread however. Caught a green perch, would've made a good "face" pic.
  14. Have the thermostat set to 68 and the heat just came on.
  15. Got out early AM walk in before the rain got here. Lots of lightning flashes out there. Now it is starting to rain. Grrrr....
  16. That surprises me, usually they'll leave it open.
  17. I have 2 guys that made the cut. I'm toast at this point. I'll keep activating a lineup in the one in a million chance that I might win a tourney a get a bag of TW swag. looking forward to next year! LOL!
  18. Dunno if it will work in your case, but I used to get some serious lip chap from sunburns that led to bleeding. Applying a Styptic pencil to the spot would get it to stop bleeding and it would heal. The final solution was to go to a dermatologist and get a layer of skin burned off and that fixed it for good.
  19. I was talking about the COE ramp parking lot. When you say the ramp was closed - did they have it barricaded off in some way? Just curious, I'm not going over there until there is a lot more water gone.
  20. I can speculate a bit... Water should be around 923 by Saturday which I think should have about the top third of the lot out of the water. You can probably get in, but the slope on the lot isn't real steep so you'll have to back in quite a ways. Something to consider is when you get to that T intersection where you go right about 50 feet to the lot, is to take a left instead and then back down to the lot and launch. You could pull straight out after launching and I think you could go up the road where you take a right and does that loop out by the lake. If that road is out of the water, and I don't know if it will be, you could bring the boat around to the back of that cove that the parking lot overlooks and beach it on the grass to load/unload.
  21. That's a big smallie.
  22. Lightning in the sky right now, radar showing another front coming through. I have a buddy that is camping at the Indian Creek COE campground now through the weekend to do some fishing. Looks like he is going to have to dodge wind and storms.
  23. Go for the win, aren't you retiring soon?
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